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  1. ZigZag

    Lopez To Hornets Official

    I actually agree with bware. Blake is a punk. Makes every touch or hit look harder than it really is
  2. ZigZag

    Dwightmare Over! 4-Way Deal

    I hope they boo him for the rest of his career
  3. ZigZag

    The Derrick Williams Question

    Derrick Williams should be a 4, and the Wolves already have the best in the league. Should trade him while he still has any value
  4. ZigZag

    BREAKING: PSU receives 4 year bowl ban, vacates wins, fined $60 million

    And those members are gone. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION Who are these sanctions punishing besides the innocent?
  5. ZigZag

    BREAKING: PSU receives 4 year bowl ban, vacates wins, fined $60 million

    THISx10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 When are we going to stop the witch hunt?
  6. ZigZag

    BREAKING: PSU receives 4 year bowl ban, vacates wins, fined $60 million

    WTF?!? Why punish the 70 young men who had absolutely nothing to do with the scandal?!
  7. ZigZag

    Dwightmare Over! 4-Way Deal

    I don't think Orlando has any room to be indecisive...
  8. ZigZag

    Changes to instant replay, ads on unis approved

    As fan of a team with no money, I want all the ads we can get. Sadly, ours will probably be used by the Maloofs to advertise cell phone covers Might as well change the team's name to Sacramento Maloofs cause that's what is going to be written across players' chests
  9. ZigZag

    2012 NFL Gameday Discussion

    It bothers me that my team changes from smashmouth, AFC West-style football to the 2010 Colts. That statement by Elway is what torments
  10. ZigZag

    Predictions For Your 2012-2013 Team

    KINGS 1) How many wins are you hoping for? 35 2) How many wins are you expecting? 30 3) Where will you rank in your conference? 13 4) Which member of your team will open eyes this season? Demarcus Cousins 5) Which member of your team is under the most pressure this season? Tyreke 6) Which...
  11. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Summer League Thread

    skip to :35
  12. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Summer League Thread

    I read that the a Blazers' player was in the face of a Rocket, so Royce stepped up
  13. ZigZag

    2012 NFL Gameday Discussion

    It's hard to be excited for this football season. Yeah, we signed Peyton. Herein lies the problem: he's a methodical, emotionless juggernaut. As a fan of the team, Bronco's 2011 season was the most exciting season I've ever seen in any sport; every game was a roller coaster ride of emotions...
  14. ZigZag

    NCAA Boss Won't Rule Out Death Penalty on Penn State

    Don't punish the all the young adults and teenagers who had absolutely nothing to do with what happened.
  15. ZigZag

    Lakers Seek Meeting With Dwight Howard

    Lakers are almost always competitive. Players will always want to play there and they can afford to bring in the stars.
  16. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Off-Season

    Continued: Salmons, Garcia
  17. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Summer League Thread

    Boogie was pretty bad as well.
  18. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Free Agency thread

    He's tall. That's it. D-Leaguer at best
  19. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Free Agency thread

    And Whiteside has been waived. GP finally doing work.
  20. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Free Agency thread

    I wouldn't mind losing a lottery pick in this weak draft + MT for Chandler