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  1. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    Stern has been such a troll recently
  2. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    will it take Hornets over or under 3 minutes to make the first pick?
  3. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    Good news Pistons fans: Amick and others are reporting the Kings-Rockets deal is not as close as some are making it seem.
  4. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    This thread has been overrun by Pistons fans
  5. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    With Lowry added, they can move Jimmer + MT/Tyreke for a really solid player. IMO I see it as moves in the right direction at last.
  6. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    I hope the Kings wait for MKG as well. Otherwise if it's Lowry + picks + more then IMO we come out winners. Hopefully they take Chuck Hayes off our hands as well as Cisco/Salmons/Outlaw.
  7. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    I don't get this talk about how Drummond is thought of as having so much potential. Does speed + strength + size = potential? I thought there was more to it than that, like hand-eye coordination, mental drive or feel for the game along with athletic ability. All Drummond has is a big, athletic...
  8. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Off-Season

    I would love to see the Rockets trade for Pau. It would benefit both teams, IMO
  9. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    As the resident Kings fan, I feel I have a duty to wallow in my own pity :( Though it probably their agents. MKG himself has said he's cool with Sacramento
  10. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    I'd trade #5 for Chandler instantly
  11. ZigZag

    Sixth Lions offseason arrest

    Lions still providing the lulz
  12. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    9/14 mock drafts have MKG falling to 5. Dream scenario
  13. ZigZag

    Anthony Davis trademarks his unibrow

    some vet on the hornets better buy this dude a razor or some wax
  14. ZigZag

    #2 PG in the NBA

    I'm voting Rondo until everyone else regains some sense
  15. ZigZag

    2012 NBA Off-Season

  16. ZigZag

    Tomlinson considered following Peyton to Denver

    :( But LMAO at "It's not as bad as being a Raider"
  17. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    Obviously not my argument, I said it's not much of a reason to expect the Cavs to pick him up Barnes is a good band-aid for Tyreke's shooting problems. Reke's dribble drive opens up a lot of shots, and the emergence of DMC also creates open shots.
  18. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    Barnes also cancelled his Sac workout after leaving Cleveland. But you're right, the trade hadn't happened yet
  19. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    Barnes and Kyrie are good friends, even though that's not much of a factor. Most rumors seem to point to Barnes, but really it could go either way. MKG, Barnes, or ThRob sounds like a dream. They all fit perfectly in Sacramento
  20. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    Beal at 3, Barnes at 4. Looks like Kings might be getting T-Rob or MKG :baggsgawd: