2009 NBA Playoffs 2nd Round Thread

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#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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and if Rondo didnt get suspended for all he did in round 1, Fisher shouldnt be either.
but like i said if he is, i wont complain

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Im threw your worse than rip. If you think he shouldnt be suspended you couldnt be serious.


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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if Rondo didnt get it, why should he?
if Rondo was, then I would say yeah sure he does

look he probably does deserve one and will probably get it, but again look at Rondo and Hinrich last series

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Dude fisher <Censored>ing saw him coming and threw a elbow. He still threw a elbow. I hate fisher he gets superstar ref treatment and he sucks really. Dude has never even been a second tier point guard in his career. TBH only laker i like are SB and Gasol the rest of these guys are arrogant punks. I pray to god that kobe never gets another ring.


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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just be fair
honestly if Kobe got elbowed by Ron or Scola knocked down Fish, you would be going "hell yeah. give it to them"

just be fair


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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BTW, what did you think of Nilla Wafer?
wtf is he arguing with Adelman for?

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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No if ron wouldve elbowed him it wouldnt be no reaction because you know damn well as i do. Ron gets a lot of <Censored> cuz refs think he's psycho. So he would most likely be ejected and suspended a game. Since its kobe the opposing player is suspended and they try to give a makeup tech on the battier bull<Censored>. When he had been doing it all game. This game looked fixed.


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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it was heat of the moment.
ron started arguing at the refs, then ran cross court and looked like he was gonna take kobe out

all this happened after the Scola incidents.
I dont think Ron should have been ejected, but i understand why they did it

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Lol at me reading ron artest lips and him telling kobe elbow me in the throat again, elbow me in the fukkin throat again. Ron is offically one of my top 10 fave players. This dude g level is out of the world.


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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how come when Boston does ish like this oh they are so physical.
but when the lakers do it, we're still soft just dirty

i just hate this. be fair. not aiming at you TYO, just saying

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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He threw a elbow at scola and saw him coming. Imagine your scola and your playing ball and fish does that to you. Is that a tough play or a cheap shot?


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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it still shows touhgness. he's willing to get penalized to send a message. he didnt try to hurt scola, he was sending a message.

look at Kenyon in game 1 vs. dallas

the play was over. the wistle sounded. he didnt even get ejected. you got to admit, this was a lot worse.
if he didnt get a suspension, why should Fish


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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that kobe/battier is bull<Censored>. c'mon honestly?
they got tangled up. neither even got a T. thats no big IMO

and yeah the fisher one looks bad, he deserves a suspension, but with Rondo and Kenyon not getting one, i cant see him getting one

ugh this is unreal. i swear if the scripts were flipped no one would be complaining right now.

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Thats the problem the scripts are never turned its always the lakers getting away with bull<Censored> and it will continue.

I mean really playing dirty and trash talkin to shane battier. Give me a break


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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battier is being a little prick too
look i love shane, one of my favorite people. i cant wait til he's a coach or announcer(he speaks very very well)

but c'mon he's face guarding kobe. no one does that because its cheap. its just one of those things. like the same as no one banks shots.
kobe was frustrated, both got tangled, and that was that. sure kobe did more than he should have, but really.
you know you would have done something similar. most people would. i do stuff like that too. little subliminal messages when people get you pissed. no big honestly


Living like a Don in my own mind
Hall of Fame
Sep 3, 2007
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All I'm gonna say is... that this is now a series. I can easily see this going to seven with either team coming out, it's hard to say.

This is the <Censored>ing playoffs, I never complained when the Spurs ever did anything, when the Celtics have ever done anything, or if there has ever been any rough play or "cheap shots" at this time of year. This is old school basketball, this <Censored> happened all the time back in the day, this is what I like to watch. These "hits" and "cheap shots" you're even seeing now are just love taps homie.

I'm assuming some of you guys play some street ball with all the talk I've seen on these boards, this type of <Censored> happens all the time on the courts, no one complains there, that's how the game goes. This is what I see every night after work playing ball with my homies. Things get chippy that's the way it is.

Hell I'm even enjoying watching it happen to the Lakers when elbows and all the <Censored> <Censored> that goes on out there gets thrown, and not just that seeing a team retaliate is even better.

Of course there are limitations, when a fight breaks out take action. <Censored> happening now is nothing, when an actual fight breaks out I look forward to reading what you girls will argue about.

Tough, grind it out, physical basketball, just the way it should be. I've read so many complaints about how this won't be much of a series, Lakers overmatch Houston, they're not physical blah blah blah blah. Now that this is happening... what now? Just more complaints. Lmao are you guys serious?

Lol at me reading ron artest lips and him telling kobe elbow me in the throat again, elbow me in the fukkin throat again. Ron is offically one of my top 10 fave players. This dude g level is out of the world.
Now this post doesn't even make sense. Stick to one side homie, one side don't go flip floppin' now. You wanna complain about little love taps, but when someone else wants to start something he's a g'd up homie and it's all good? Straighten that out, please because that's just ridiculous. You go on about how can you trash talk Battier because he's so classy, it's why you think Lebron's better, blah blah, blah, then you turn around and say something like that. So why should we listen to your opinion if that's how things are going to be? I could give a <Censored> about which side you're on, just stick to one argument. Don't spit about class when you're not going to show any saying <Censored> like that.


Squirtle Squirt!
Hall of Fame
Jan 15, 2006
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ron artest is a dumb f-ck

how stupid do you have to be to do a throat-slashing gesture in front of everyone?

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Now this post doesn't even make sense. Stick to one side homie, one side don't go flip floppin' now. You wanna complain about little love taps, but when someone else wants to start something he's a g'd up homie and it's all good? Straighten that out, please because that's just ridiculous. You go on about how can you trash talk Battier because he's so classy, it's why you think Lebron's better, blah blah, blah, then you turn around and say something like that. So why should we listen to your opinion if that's how things are going to be? I could give a <Censored> about which side you're on, just stick to one argument. Don't spit about class when you're not going to show any saying <Censored> like that.

So what fish did was a love tap. What court do you play on cell block 3 cuz i dont know where sh1t like that goes on? We play hard and rough not dirty on the courts i play on. And thats a difference this is nba ball not and 1. Ron was telling kobe he isnt gonna take him butting his elbow. What ron did is showing he isnt backing down and wont take those cheap shots. Then yall LA idol kobe was backing down and <Censored> cuz he knew that elbow was not needed and then ron said kobe was slapping his hand down when he was trying to guard him.

So a guy does that to you when your playing and the foul is called on you? What are you gonna do recite bible verses? Your gonna stand up for yourself most likely. The nba rulebook states that any elbow foul hitting above the shoulders is an ejection.

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Look I don't have no beef with kobe or the lakers personally. I grew up watchin the lakers because my dad is a laker fan. I love beans When he gets hot nobody can guard him in the world. I respect his game and work ethic and all that. But dude be doing some ho sh!t at times.

It pissed me off cuz it was like no duh kobe he can't stop you who can? It was more like he was tryin to prove it to himself.
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