Search results

  1. Dice-J

    Players who don't get the recognition they deserve..

    Andre Johnson 13th Best WR Larry Fitzgerald 24th Best WR Tom Brayd 16th Best QB Drew Brees 9th Best QB Adrian Peterson 9th Best HB The only offensive position (QB, HB, WR, TE) that they have the right #1 is TE with Witten. Don't even wanna waste my time with O-Line and Defense.
  2. Dice-J

    Could Panthers move Smith?

    I'll love to see that. Moss ~ Welker ~ Smith. We'd be able to drop more than 59 ton TB. But who could we move? 2nd Round Pick?
  3. Dice-J

    Ochocinco tweeting a challenge

    We may see some Bear's defender crack Ochocinco just like Lewis did on Sunday.
  4. Dice-J

    SJax For Prince, Nixed

    Good deal for Detroit, but it still won't put them with Boston, Cleveland and Orlando
  5. Dice-J

    Red Sox going after Padres' Adrian Gonzalez?

    What would we be able to trade? I really hope its not anything involving Buchholz. I don't know about Lars Anderson or how good he is, but if they value him enough to let AG go for a package around him, I say do it.
  6. Dice-J

    LeBron May Have Swine Flu

    As much as I don't like him or the Cavs, I still would never want him to die so soon. Thats just sad, and he's got 2 kids.
  7. Dice-J

    Brady Quinn next to go?

    His only real competitions were playing USC and Michigan. But he's still better than Russell. Maybe they'll end up getting a QB this draft, although the NFL talent of QB's isn't believed to be that great.
  8. Dice-J

    Pro-Bowl Prospects from your team...

    Tom Brady Randy Moss Brandon Meriweather Wes Welker (if he plays the rest of the season) Don't feel like naming O-Linemen
  9. Dice-J

    Players who don't get the recognition they deserve..

    Faulk, Morris, Welker, Cedric Benson, Vincent Jackson
  10. Dice-J

    Bay to test Free Agency

    I feel that we may have to let him go. We can go out and try to get Prince Fielder and Matt Holliday. If we reel in both, we'll be in real good shape with: Martinez, Prince, Pedroia, SS?, Youk, Holliday, Ellsbury, Drew. Plus we can get an okay DH. Then we can move Papelbon (as much as I hate to...
  11. Dice-J

    Sheed: "We Can Get That Bulls Record"

    Anythings Possible...
  12. Dice-J

    Rip's Goodbye

    good luck Rip...
  13. Dice-J

    Six NFL teams targeted by Los Angeles to move there

    Well just looked at their names, but had no idea they did.
  14. Dice-J

    Six NFL teams targeted by Los Angeles to move there

    Well just looked at their names, but had no idea they did.
  15. Dice-J

    Six NFL teams targeted by Los Angeles to move there

    It has to be a team from NY, Florida or California because those are the only states that have atleast 3 teams
  16. Dice-J

    Six NFL teams targeted by Los Angeles to move there

    My guesses: Lions - LA Lions? Bills Redskins Browns Chargers Jags
  17. Dice-J

    2009 MLB Playoffs Thread

    Yeah they should force Yankees to do something about the HR's. And the bad umping somewhat costed the REd Sox the game. They scored most their runs in that inning, if not all 3 after they were tied. I really just wished they could build robots that knew everything about the game and throw them...
  18. Dice-J

    Bradford to start

    Lions must have been laughing their a** of when he got hurt because he didn't declare and let them pick him. In the mean time, would you take him over Jevan Snead?
  19. Dice-J

    Bradford to start

    Wonder how he'll do, because of this I don't think he'll enter the NFL draft this year. Unless its a team like Titans with the 1st pick, so then he can change the team to playoff team right away.