UPDATE: Donald Sterling Banned For Life From NBA

Big Bid'Ness

4 Life
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Jan 20, 2006
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Report: LeBron James Passed on Los Angeles Clippers Due to Donald Sterling


Just imagine Chris Paul running the fast break with players flanking him on both sides. In fact, it's a whole trio of teammates, ready to convert on a four-on-one opportunity with a thunderous alley-oop slam. 
CP3 looks off DeAndre Jordan, throws the ball up to Blake Griffin, who doesn't dunk it but instead lofts it up even higher for...LeBron James
It's a delicious possibility, right? 
Well, that dream might've become a reality if Donald Sterling hadn't been in charge of the Los Angeles Clippers back in 2010 when King James was a free agent preparing to make his infamous decision—one that ultimately saw him take his talents to South Beach and team up with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh.

Mark J. Terrill/Associated Press

According to a news release from ESPN, David Geffen (a multi-billionaire who is teaming up with Oprah Winfrey in an attempt to purchase the L.A.-based franchise) told ESPN's Jeremy Schaap that LeBron had seriously considered choosing the Clippers over the Miami Heat

Geffen also told Schaap that superstar LeBron James was interested in playing in Los Angeles when he was a free agent in 2010. But James, who ultimately signed with the Miami Heat, told Geffen that he would not play for Sterling.
Geffen didn't specifically disclose why James did not want to play for Sterling.
"[The] reasons are perfectly clear," Geffen said.
Just in case you've been living under a pile of rocks for the last few days, those reasons would be Sterling's history of racism, which came to a head this week when his recorded remarks led to NBA commissioner Adam Silver bringing down the hammer.
James has become more than just a basketball player; he's an active member of his communities, a fabulous spokesperson for the Association and a man very conscious and outspoken about social issues. It shouldn't come as a surprise that playing for an owner as poorly regarded as Sterling would be an issue. 
"We're fighting to get an owner out of our league who shouldn't be a part of our league," James said, via ESPN's Michael Wallace, after the Silver press conference announced the punishments for Sterling. "No matter how long it takes, no matter how much money it costs, we need to get him out of there—and whoever is associated with him doesn't belong in our league."
Even back in 2006, well before LeBron hit the open market, there was public outcry about Sterling, largely stemming from a housing lawsuit. The reigning MVP clearly isn't alone here. 
"It was fun to laugh at Donald Sterling when he was a joke," wrote ESPN's Bomani Jones. "Now that we know what he's up to when he's being serious, he deserves a lot more attention."

Which would be more fun?

The actual Big Three: LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh The hypothetical Big Three: LeBron James, Chris Paul and Blake Griffin Submit Vote vote to see results

If Sterling had been pushed to sell the team and actually ceded to that pressure before 2010, it's entirely possible that the course of NBA history could be drastically altered. Of course, it could be changed once more if LeBron opts out of his contract with the Heat and chooses to hit the open market after these playoffs draw to a conclusion. 
He apparently considered the Clippers once in the past; perhaps he'd do so again now that Sterling is expected to be removed from his ownership position. Though there would need to be some maneuvering done by LAC, it's by no means impossible. 
But let's say Sterling wasn't there in 2010. 
Miami might not have two more trophies on the mantle. It's entirely possible that we could be talking about a Big Three comprised of LeBron, CP3 and Griffin, although the finances of luring Paul to Tinseltown one year later would've been tricky. 
Clippers fans, I'm not sure whether I should tell you to stop salivating or to mop up your tears.


Solo Dolo
Apr 19, 2009
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What I think is dumb is everyone saying they should become free agents. Like OK feel free to throw away potentially your only shot at a title with a team that has come to fit together. The other owners are being greedy IMO. He's gonna have to sell the team anyways so what's the point of leaving?


#2 SG of all time #13
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Jul 6, 2006
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elcheato said:
Can't wait for the "Magic Johnson Buys Clippers" headlines when he ends up with a 3% stake of the franchise.
has less than that with the dodgers

Hurricane Season

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Feb 15, 2009
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Big Bid'Ness

4 Life
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Jan 20, 2006
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Report: Donald Sterling Has Cancer

Donald Sterling is battling cancer, sources tell the New York Post.
“People have been predicting his imminent demise. I’m sure he has the best . . . drugs money can buy,” said the source, who works closely with pro sports teams. “He can do anything to keep himself alive.”
The source said that some of the medication the 80-year-old Sterling is taking is responsible for the puffy appearance in his face.
Another source said Sterling is suffering from prostate cancer.
Sterling was banned for life by the NBA this week.
“He’s calling everyone, saying: ‘Tell me I’m not a racist,’ ” a source said.
Sterling was in negotiations to be interviewed by Barbara Walters on ABC.
Sterling has been holed up in the penthouse atop a nearly-empty office building he owns in Beverly Hills since the tape surfaced.

Hurricane Season

Well-Known Member
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Feb 15, 2009
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He'll be dead soon.  It happens often when old as shit people get forced out of something they've been doing for a long time, or when someone retires after working for 50+ years... they have nothing to live for anymore.


King Of The East
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Jan 22, 2006
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Pepe Silvia said:
He'll be dead soon.  It happens often when old as shit people get forced out of something they've been doing for a long time, or when someone retires after working for 50+ years... they have nothing to live for anymore.
JoePa yeeeee


Hall of Fame
Jun 17, 2007
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black people have him cancer.

Big Bid'Ness

4 Life
Hall of Fame
Jan 20, 2006
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Sterling Apologizes, Asks For Forgiveness

Nearly two weeks after his racist comments leaked, Donald Sterling has publicly apologized.
"I'm a good member who made a mistake and I'm apologizing and I'm asking for forgiveness," Sterling told CNN's Anderson Cooper in an exclusive interview set to air on Monday. "Am I entitled to one mistake, am I after 35 years? I mean, I love my league, I love my partners. Am I entitled to one mistake? It's a terrible mistake, and I'll never do it again."
Sterling was banned by the NBA for live several days after the tapes surfaced.
"I'm not a racist," Sterling told Cooper. "I made a terrible mistake. I'm here to apologize."
Sterling told CNN that his fate is in the NBA's hands.
"If the owners feel I have another chance, then they'll give it to me," he said.

Big Bid'Ness

4 Life
Hall of Fame
Jan 20, 2006
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Donald Sterling's CNN interview only makes matters worse

Every time he opens his mouth, Donald Sterling reminds his fellow NBA owners why he has to go.
Already a pariah for his vile and racist comments, it didn't seem possible that the Los Angeles Clippers owner could further damage his own image and, by association, that of the NBA. Yet that's exactly what he did in an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper that aired Monday night, throwing gasoline on a fire the NBA had only just begun to get under control.
Despite his repeated insistence that he's not a racist, everything else Sterling said showed him to be an ignorant and hate-filled person. He trashed Magic Johnson, claiming– wrongly – that the Lakers Hall of Famer has done nothing for the black community.
STERLING: Magic 'not a good example' to kids
WIFE: Shelly Sterling vows to keep Clippers
"Some of the African-Americans, they don't want to help anybody," Sterling said.
He felt compelled to mention that V. Stiviano, the woman who taped the conversations that got Sterling in trouble in the first place, was one of "15 Hispanic kids."
And he appeared to be coming dangerously close to another racist rant, his voice rising as he said, "There's no African-American – never mind."
"I'm sorry," Sterling said, composing himself. "They all want to play golf with me. Everybody wants to be with me."
Not really. That's just another of Sterling's pathetic delusions.
The truth is, even if any owners did have sympathy for Sterling, as he claims, it was gone by the time Cooper's show ended. Because as reprehensible as Sterling's racist views are, his crime of being bad for business is every bit as deplorable to the other members of the NBA's Billionaire Boys Club. He's a drag on the NBA, and it is only a matter of when, not if, his fellow owners force him to sell.


Staff member
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Apr 28, 2008
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I saw the interview earlier, couldn't believe what I was watching.


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