I think Lawrie would easily beat out Ackley if they played exactly the same amount of games. Lawrie already has as many homeruns as him.
Kimbrel is a good choice for NL ROY with 40 saves, and a 1.70 ERA.
Haven't been following the rookie race too much though.
Haren's on one of my fantasy teams too, damn lol. Texas' line-up is amazing. This is a hell of a series. Basically will show who deserves to win the AL West more.
Adrian has had 155 AB with RISP. Jose has had 83. Jose only has 20 less RBIs than Adrian. I think if Jose had as many ABs, he could most definitely have 100 RBIs. Jose has a .511 OBP with RISP while Adrian...
I think for sports like the NBA, it works that way but I think the MLB is a whole different story because you can be a good hitter on any team. But with the NBA, a player's stats are more inflated when they aren't on good teams because they get more opportunities to score.
6 a game is pretty average and decent. He had a good rookie season which led me to believe he was going to be one of the better point guards in this league. Luol Deng is gotten over 1000 attempt in FGs with Rose as the point guard for the past 2 seasons. He's only gotten over 1000 once with...
Too many Tigers fans on this forum... :P Anyways... Realistically, I think you're totally right about the RBI situation. Bautista could easily be over 100 with better hitters in front of him like Adrian has. And I think you may have changed my opinion lol. I want to see what some Red Sox fans...
He's starting discussion. Can't hate him for that lol. I still think the Bulls can use someone who can create their own shot though. Deng is a great scorer, but I've never seen him as someone who can create his own shot. I don't watch the Bulls much so I don't know. I still think the Bulls will...
The thing that gets me going for Gonzalez is his RBIs, and plus he's on a winning team if anyone else believes an MVP should be on a winning team. So IDK if the MVP will actually go to Baustista, but I do agree that he deserves it. He's been so patient this year at the plate. Pitchers are scared...
Under very rare circumstances, yes, a pitcher may deserve to win MVP. Especially if every start their giving their team the chance to win, then yes, they are very valuable to their team. But unless the pitchers statistics are absolutely amazing, nothing really beats a batter who goes out for...
For the AL, I'm going with Adrian Gonzalez. Best AVG in the league, tied for the most RBIs in the league with 103, and 23 homeruns (5 in 3 games recently). Does anyone think Bautista is still a candidate? Is Granderson a candidate?
For the NL, I've got to say it's in the air. Matt Kemp is my...
Rose is the only one who can probably make his own shots on this team too; he makes everyone else look good for the Bulls. He still needs more help; the Bulls need a scorer. Luol Deng is alright, but they need something else more.