Just for a damn signature. What's next? Charging merchants $125 when you need to sign for your credit card? Just make the fans day, don't charge them for taking a second of your day due to their admiration for you.
Welcome back man. Hope you stick around; we need more NHL fans around here too :P (idk how big of a fan you are though), either way, I'm sure you'll like the forum if you get involved!
Ehh, I guess that's where you and I are different lol. I like the old school feeling Frank has to him with his music. I liked the lyrics; Bad Religion was super deep (meaning is open to interpretation), and I thought Frank lived up to expectations. To each their own though.
Players get more respect in the end for staying with one team through the ups and downs. Now its so encouraged to be a team with multiple superstars, and to where ever you can team up and win. It just makes it harder for the smaller teams.
I was including the whole thing of living in LA for Cp3...
He is lol. It's just crazy how many guys they can put through the trouble of finding new homes in new cities, damn. Just thinking on the side.
The league is obsessed with creating super teams right now ever since Miami lol.
Exactly lol. Kid is going on his third season, and already got committed to with more than he needed. He's probably going to be getting Shaq money after this one expires if he goes up from here lol.