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  1. ZigZag

    Cuban goes off on Prokhorov

    Cuban should watch his mouth, I wouldn't <Censored> with a billionaire russian.
  2. ZigZag

    The GOAT player.

    John Elway
  3. ZigZag

    Study Claims NBA Refs Influenced By Race

    I'd like to see this study. Many times results are skewed to look controversial and 4% isn't a large amount.
  4. ZigZag

    The Great QB Debate

    ????? System? 3 different head coaches, hard to call it a system.
  5. ZigZag

    NCAA Basketball Regular Season Thread

    14th in the AP poll, not too shabby. We got Cal tonight.
  6. ZigZag

    Broncos fire McDaniels, Studesville replaces him

    He went to the <Censored>ty Raiders and made them an AFC Championship team in 2 years. Then he went to Tampa and made Brad Johnson look good again so that team could win a championship. The dudes not a bad coach.
  7. ZigZag

    Broncos fire McDaniels, Studesville replaces him

    I was so excited to hear this, now we can move forward. Jon Gruden said one more year of MNF and he's going back to coaching. He's an ex-Raider who didn't leave on good terms and would be great for our D. I'll dream about it tonight
  8. ZigZag

    December 2nd

    The <Censored> was a bandwagoner from day one. Loyalty my ass.
  9. ZigZag

    Hines Ward lashes out on NFL

    The first quote was the truest statement I have ever read.
  10. ZigZag

    NCAA Basketball Regular Season Thread

    7-0 and ranked 17. GO SDSU. Can't wait to beat Cal next week
  11. ZigZag

    Heat Frustrated By Spoelstra

    I don't understand what they expected. It's like they didn't realize they'd be playing REAL teams with players actually trying to stop them. "COACH! This is all your fault! It's not like I'm the Chosen1 or anything!"
  12. ZigZag

    Heat Frustrated By Spoelstra

    according to chris broussard d.wade said he absolutely does not want pat reilly to have to coach lol
  13. ZigZag

    Delonte Breaks Wrist

    Or he did it so he can club LeBron with his cast
  14. ZigZag

    Rajon Rondo

    IMHO, 1 Deron Williams 2 Rondo 3 Rose 4 CP3 Rondo scares me. When I watch him all I feel like it is all too easy for him.
  15. ZigZag

    Teams Inquire About Cousins?

    the kings just started making good choices, no need to trade one of them away.
  16. ZigZag

    NCAA Basketball Regular Season Thread

    #25 in the preseason poll!!!
  17. ZigZag

    Oregon's new basketball court

    i'm all for crazy uniforms, but this is just too much. if i were a ref or player there i would be mildly annoyed the whole game.
  18. ZigZag

    Harvin Squabbles With Childress Over Effort

    what's wrong with someone getting fired up in practice? sounds like a good way to find a win to me.
  19. ZigZag

    Terrell Owens Rips Donovan McNabb Again

    IIRC, not long ago TO was all over Donovans nuts.
  20. ZigZag

    New Rule Leads Rondo To Ditch Headband

    Come on stern. How many players are even wearing it upside down to be a problem? If you're banning this you better ban lebrons two different shoe act.