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  1. ZigZag

    Blake Griffin Vs Mario Chalmers

    Lol Blake seemed like he was just tryin to scare the little guy. I laughed the most at Wade's HUUUUGE swing and miss on that dunk.
  2. ZigZag

    NCAA Basketball Regular Season Thread

    He dropped 60 in two games against us last year. I love watching the BYU/SDSU game because it's the only time I see us really struggling.
  3. ZigZag

    NCAA Basketball Regular Season Thread

    SDSU! Got the longest winning streak in the country. Damn it feels good to be an aztec Good luck BYU, you it'll be hard to match our hustle, length, and athleticism
  4. ZigZag

    Rose vs Rondo

    It's impossible to say who's the better player. They have completely different games and are on completely different teams. Everyone arguing that their player is for sure better is being ignorant. Rondo is a better defender and frankly I don't like it when my play caller is a scorer. I think...
  5. ZigZag

    Derrick Rose the best PG in the league?

    I think all PGs should strive to play like Rondo. Rose is the "best" though because he can do it all.
  6. ZigZag

    LeBron's Genius Idea

    Yeah, it'd be awesome of the league if 70% of NBA cities didn't give a shit about their team. How the fuck are teams supposed to afford 3 $15+ million contracts and still put together a decent team behind them? LeBron stop trying to make it look like you were thinking of the league. You...
  7. ZigZag

    Rank these QB's...

    Did you even watch last weeks game? Tebow is a like a fucking fullback out there.
  8. ZigZag

    Rank these QB's...

    You all are wrong. 1. Tebow.
  9. ZigZag

    NBA Regular Season Discussion Thread

    I went to the Kings Warriors game today. It was disgusting. Demarcus has the worst attitude in the world and Tyreke looks unmotivated. Beno and Landry were the kings best by far today. I'd also like to see Dalembert out their more, he was so involved and I like seeing that.
  10. ZigZag

    Do bad teams deserve to be in the playoffs?

    That brings up a situation thats happening this year. The Raiders are looking like they will go undefeated in division play this year but won't make the playoffs. That's ###### up
  11. ZigZag

    Broncos Could Stick With Tebow

    Hopefully he does good so we can use him as a trade piece
  12. ZigZag

    NCAA Basketball Regular Season Thread

    SDSU is #7 in the coaches poll. holy f/ck. we're not the 7th best in the nation but we can beat any team. barring any injuries i'd be so surprised to lose more than 4 games this season
  13. ZigZag

    classy jets.....

    If you're going to run on the sidelines then you shouldn't expect the other team to get out of your way. I know it looks bad but the coach didn't do <Censored> wrong. He didn't even move his foot to trip the dude.
  14. ZigZag

    Ilgauskas Has No Sympathy For Cavaliers

    This is stupid. Big Z has shown nothing but appreciation and respect towards Cleveland.
  15. ZigZag

    classy jets.....

    one thing i have to say to that player is GET THE <Censored> OFF THE SIDELINE The coach didn't even move his foot, I've seen the video in fast and slow-mo. Yeah, he tripped the dude but COME ON MAN. He was running down the sideline like a <Censored>ing retard.
  16. ZigZag

    Report: Tim Tebow to draw start for Broncos

    hopefully he'll rape the raiders yeah, right
  17. ZigZag

    Grossman to start over McNabb

    Shanny just does what he does. I bet Donovan was pissing him off somehow.
  18. ZigZag

    Cuban goes off on Prokhorov

    In a fight I'll take the Russian any day. EDIT: apparently Prokhorov is 6'8". No chance Cuban