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  1. Asian Mamba Attack

    Brandon Jacobs

  2. Asian Mamba Attack

    Shabazz Palaces.

    Release a pack soon, most of your stock work and coloring is mad dope. I wanna learn how you do it. Give out the fucking recipe Gety!
  3. Asian Mamba Attack


    Blend the face in a little more and this isn't so bad.
  4. Asian Mamba Attack

    Steve Smith.

    Creative, I don't know about the color though.
  5. Asian Mamba Attack

    Asian Mamba's PSD Pack
  6. Asian Mamba Attack

    Jags to be Oregon Ducks of the NFL with Unis.

    Haha, it's funny because in the other thread I said it would be nice if they had this. Now, this happened and wow. I'm looking forward to seeing it how it looks like.
  7. Asian Mamba Attack

    Asian Mamba's Graphics Request Thread

    Yeah, I need a cut.
  8. Asian Mamba Attack

    New Logo, Same Jersey for Panthers

    Would be sick if they had a chance to get uniforms like the Oregon Ducks.
  9. Asian Mamba Attack

    Asian Mamba's Graphics Request Thread

    How bout both? :blake:
  10. Asian Mamba Attack

    Asian Mamba's Graphics Request Thread

    Hey, thanks. I'll give it a shot though, I'll try to make it something like it.
  11. Asian Mamba Attack

    Asian Mamba's Graphics Request Thread

    Ah, bad news. I forgot how to make that signature and style, sorry bud.
  12. Asian Mamba Attack

    My stuff

    Not bad, don't scale images because it ruins the quality and the whole signature. Text can be better by making it bold and straight across, don't use those cheap PC one's you already have. Get some new ones.
  13. Asian Mamba Attack


    Nah, I had a few stocks over it. On the second one I took it out.
  14. Asian Mamba Attack

    2011 NFL Postseason Thread

    I'll throw a party if the Rams have more wins then loses, any day.
  15. Asian Mamba Attack

    missouri tigers

    Not bad, I would of added some black text with a nice texture to it. Simple and fresh though.
  16. Asian Mamba Attack

    2012 NBA season thread

    Damn, just checked their record.