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  1. Asian Mamba Attack

    Asian Mamba's Graphics Request Thread

    I'll do signatures for now, the only thing I ever have time for. LOL.
  2. Asian Mamba Attack

    2012 NBA season thread

    Hopefully I see Kaman getting shipped to another team, even though I haven't been watching him lately ever since he was in a Clippers jersey. New Orleans is young and fresh, I see them in the 6, 7, or 8th seed this season.
  3. Asian Mamba Attack

    Report: Redskins interested in Peyton Manning if he’s healthy

    I can see the Cardinals having Peyton Manning in my eyes to be honest. I mean, both teams have young players and why not? Even though I don't know about McNabb's contract. Peyton and Moss would be amazing together and I can def. see the potential of Manning being healthy if he chooses to...
  4. Asian Mamba Attack

    2011 NFL Postseason Thread

    I got the Giants in this game, their defense is gonna stop Tom Brady and the Patriots' defense won't have anything on Eli Manning. It will be a close and good game hopefully, the close games are the best. Can't wait to see the commercials and throwing a party.
  5. Asian Mamba Attack

    Carolina Panthers New Logo

    Nike Pro Combat gonna kill the shit out of all brands in the NFL.
  6. Asian Mamba Attack


    V1: V2:
  7. Asian Mamba Attack

    Machine Gun Kelly

    I was expecting the girl but I guess not, this is pretty nice though. I just wish the text was executed a little bit better.
  8. Asian Mamba Attack

    What's Up With SI?

    Looks fine to me... I use firefox and I have a PC.
  9. Asian Mamba Attack


  10. Asian Mamba Attack


    Gotta say some good text in this signature would look mad dope, but either way still looks pretty sick & ill.
  11. Asian Mamba Attack

    Your first ever sig

    March/April in '09 was when I started. Can't find my signature though from a forum, oh well. I remember it being Devin Ebanks with just a abstract stock to it. LOL.
  12. Asian Mamba Attack

    sel <3

    Way to bright for my eyes, for some reason I don't like the picture choice. This is clean though, good stuff.
  13. Asian Mamba Attack


    Clean out the face and blend it in more with the background, then choose a better font. This is mad gold though, just work on some adjustments to the signature and it will be nice.
  14. Asian Mamba Attack

    Deron Doesn't Like Arena, Hints At Nets Future?

    NBA players' bitch too much and are too sensitive, asking for a bunch of money with a shit load of jokes. NFL takes more hits and injuries, and shit they didn't ask for that much money and things seem a lot more fair in their league. SMH at the NBA.
  15. Asian Mamba Attack


    Would of been sick though, too bad you can't change that. And yeah I see where your going with this, either way it looks really good. No problem though!
  16. Asian Mamba Attack

    Donte Whitner

    Not so bad, on my screen the render looks a bit too sharp and low quality. The San Francisco text I can't really see either, but your text work is nice and it never really causes problems to me.
  17. Asian Mamba Attack

    Super Igy

    This is really nice, but I think a texture over the text wouldn't hurt at all. I like the stock work and lighting here, good job man.
  18. Asian Mamba Attack

    Jesse Boykins III.

    This is awesome, love your stock work and style man. It's creative, looking forward to seeing more of it.
  19. Asian Mamba Attack

    MaRk InGrAm.

    The thread title reminds me of those wanna-be on Facebook who make weird statues using those symbols, numbers, all this crazy shit. The signature is nice though, digging the gold color. Maybe more contrast and lighting would complete this but that's just me.