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  1. V

    G-Town Skin

    Any chance you can make a cutgallery Gtown?
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    Kendrick Perkins

    looks good here Jarrod, nice work
  3. V

    Happy Easter!!

    Happy Easter guys, p.s. love the video
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    Webb and Ravens agree to long term deal

    heard him in an interview on satellite radio, seems like a good kid
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    miggy cabrera

    this is sex, nice job on this
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    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday bud
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    Happy Birthday

    Happy belated birthday bud
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    Joffrey Lupul

    looks good bud
  9. V

    Getty Image Watermark - Make it Gone!

    Macken? Where you been man? I tried to clone stamp over it, let me know if this works.
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    Mike Duco

    The only thing that needs fixing imo, is that the helmet has sharp points on it. Should be rounded a little bit
  11. V


    I like this, make the text "pop" more and its golden
  12. V

    Bears sign RB Michael Bush

    Ouch...this year is gonna suck :( Forte, Bush, Rodgers, Cutler, Jennings, Finley, Jennings, Hester, Calvin Johnson....etc. etc. :suicide:
  13. V


    Welcome big guy ;)
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    Sig Request Please

    I am, on another forum, and totally forgot to here lol. You can sport it with me if you'd like :D
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    Some Hockey Cuts

    nice stuff snickers ;)
  16. V

    2012 NFL Free Agency Thread

    LMAO where do you find these gifs?
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    cuts I've done over the past few weeks

    Need voids
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    2012 NFL Free Agency Thread

    I hope Alex Smith signs with some other team and gives the 49ers a big FU. That way I can watch Moss implode and take the whole team down with him. Hahahahaha
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    Sig Request Please

    Thanks Mexi :D This one looks great
  20. V

    Padres Lose Quentin For 4 To 6 Weeks

    Carlos Quentin not healthy :o big shocker