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  1. Rios15

    2017 NBA Off-Season

    I feel like that philosophy is exactly what killed us cause Colangelo used to love going after Euro guys thinking that they were the only dudes who would stay long term. I don't believe in building the team through free agency anyways though. If you're talking bout free agent market, yeah I'd...
  2. Rios15

    2017 NBA Off-Season

    I really hope the Raptors aren't prepared to offer Lowry a max at 5 years at 31 years old coming off a season where he hasn't been so healthy... I'd give Ujiri the benefit of the doubt though... I just don't think the team reached the ceiling yet with Ibaka and others, but I don't think the...
  3. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    The Grizzlies wouldve beat them 
  4. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    I don't think this series will even beat the intensity of the Celtics-Wizards series or even some 1st round series... I hate to talk early though - maybe the Cavs make it interesting at home.
  5. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    This has been underwhelming so far. Hope Cleveland takes the next 2.
  6. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    Pretty much
  7. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    I think I stated that he can do what he wants I just personally think it was wack and don't care for it lol.
  8. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    It seems like this conversation keeps happening though. This is just a opinion thing I believe... Very subjective. If you dont mind it that's you but personally I think it was wack and uncompetitive of the dude. Not that he had to stay in OKC, but it sucks to see a team that was 73-9 actually...
  9. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    It's not about that for me. It's just the way it all happened that makes his decision so wack. And as a fan this isn't particularly what i wanted to see. That could be me though. At the end of the days this sposed to be entertainment and suspenseful but it's kinda like a spoiled tv show to me...
  10. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    If the games gonna be like this all finals then damn the NBA sucks a lot right now lol... I hope the Cavs just had a bad game.
  11. Rios15

    h.b.d. salvatore.

    Happy birthday bro. Hope you're doing well man... been a long time!
  12. Rios15

    2017 MLB Season Thread

    I just imagine you can get multiple guys, and good players at that for the amount you'd be spending on Harper in the first two years of that contract. It would be smart for the Nationals to trade him if they can any sign that they might not be able to retain him. Plus what if Harper just drops...
  13. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    I think he was just saying that he wish players cared about competitiveness more than easy wins.   But yes a fantasy draft would be so dope. A snake one obviously lol.
  14. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

      Ain't nobody mad at the Warriors lol y'all need to stop this argument
  15. Rios15

    2017 MLB Season Thread

    40 million a season for Harper? That'd be screwed up lol. I would never want my team to offer one player on a 25 man team that... and at that length too. Just not worth it lol. 
  16. Rios15

    2017 MLB Season Thread

    I can't believe he's still in the league lol
  17. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

      He's reached such a point of arrogance that has made me really not like him as well lol. He's right in a sense that we can't fault him because GS made the room to sign him legally but he's still a bum for the move in my eyes out of all the teams he could have gone to. He would have been loved...
  18. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

      100% how I feel about the Durant move. Plus I was a big Durant fan prior to the move now I just dislike him. I don't hate him but I don't respect him... at the end of the day he's playing a game and sports ain't that important lmao. I'm all for a more competitive league all around though...
  19. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

      The fantasy draft thing was kind of a joke but not exactly something I'd be opposed to haha. What was the point you were making?
  20. Rios15

    2017 NBA Post-Season

    I think KD woulda been so good in Washington man. Now that's a team i could see possibly beating the Cavs.