That's a complete misuse of the word Savage lol. Even if it was a shot at Westbrook it's not obvious enough to be Savage. And I don't think he was thinking about westbrook at that current moment lol
I don't think the team necessarily needs a full rebuild. You still have a player who's opted into staying in Toronto who is still very good. No need to get rid of that. Will be an interesting off-season for Toronto though
Lowry sounds like he doesn't wanna be here. But I think it's best he's gone. Signing him to whatever deal he wants will kill the cap flexibility for years
Such a different era. #whyamiwatchingthis #Damn10YearsAgo #WhyAmIHastaging
This actually looks competitive.
I hate the Drake association with this team. Wish the organization would just drop that. Ain't need that dude lol. The jerseys are the biggest turn off to me. Otherwise I like the jersey template especially the red and blacks but still wish they would go back to purple. Or even change the name...