I was watching last night, and even though they won against the Clippers, I don't see the Spurs as THAT strong of a team right now.
It'll be a lot tougher for them without Parker too, I just don't see them getting to where they were last season.
That'll be a surprise to see Mack go #1 but I guess last time they picked a player first overall that it turned out well.
They need a franchise player though.
They usually always are though.
You don't see dudes having hella assists. It's more like a showcase for these guys. They wanna show off their talent, doesn't matter about winning.
I was at work all night but I actually got to see most of the second half of the Rising Stars game and might I say, these dudes can ball.
But I agree a lot were selfish but that's what makes the game fun.
Doesn't matter at this point. It could have been a lot worse and I bet future incidents like this won't happen. But everyone is more focused on criticizing Smart, but no one is condemning Orr's old ass for shit talking a kid from the stands.
And a 3 game suspension won't take away from him...
I think you don't understand how powerful emotion can be. Your body can be completely ruled by your emotions if that response is illicit, and if he was actually called a racial slur, then obviously his emotions got the best of him.
Like what do you expect? Him to just smile and laugh it...
I'm just saying, I don't personally believe that he would have reacted in that manner after only being called a "piece of crap".
Still, the incident could have been a lot worse than just a shove.
Very scary. It's remarkable how he is able to play the game at such a high level with a heart defect.
Wishing for a safe and speedy return for the guy. His presence is definitely missed in Pittsburgh.