Bruh, it's so bad down here lol. Obviously not in comparison to the north but you've gotta take into consideration that we never get this kind of weather.
I live down the road from Philips Arena, and I can say that travelling around that area, or even in Atlanta period, is pretty difficult...
I didn't want to because I thought they could still fight but nah.
This is the last chance they can get a star in the draft, so I gotta be around for that.
How is it even a question?
Kevin Durant has been THE TEAM and he's basically locking that MVP up.
He deserves it and if anyone else gets it, it's FIXED.
If you're really gonna bring up assists, you gotta think about 1. Who's he gonna pass to, 2. He's hot, 3. He didn't turn the ball over.
Good job Melo, maybe the Knicks can build momentum
Probably not thooooo.
Anytime I see shit like this, I facepalm.
That's retarded as fuck. If you're blessed with more money than 99.9999999% of the population will ever see in their lifetime, I don't see why you would be stupid enough to blow it.
Kyrie is overhyped as fuck, but I gotta go with Luke on this one, I would take him over Kyle Lowry, however Lowry is underrated, I just feel like Kyrie brings more to the table ya know