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  1. nba_balla

    Night Skin is now out

    Glad you guys like it too, and Jarrod.. I say we work together some more for SI lol.. Seems to pay off everytime :)
  2. nba_balla

    Site is being messed up

    I'm using IE too, and I have no problems what-so-ever.
  3. nba_balla


  4. nba_balla

    Gallery Open

    Love ya man.. Gonna upload some stuff for you guys now.
  5. nba_balla

    Happy Birthday The Future Pele

    Happy Birthday Man!
  6. nba_balla

    Happy Birthday Maple

    Happy Birthday man!!! May Ovechkin and Belak bless you.
  7. nba_balla

    It was written, therefore IT IS SO!

    Peace Riks, gonna miss you man..
  8. nba_balla

    Happy Birthday JH5!!!

    Happy Birfday JH5!!
  9. nba_balla

    The one and only!

    I honestly hope you arent him, because hes so n00b.
  10. nba_balla

    The one and only!

    Are you Eaglefan from PSDC and Deadly?
  11. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    Yeah, I'm guessing you abused your powers there too and thats why they "let you go" ?
  12. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    I see you are still here, when are you planning to leave? And where do you plan on going.. since SV hit rockbottom..
  13. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    I need it translated into al qaeda, please.
  14. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    Let .pacifik use his admin powers, in which he doesnt deserve, to close this thread.
  15. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    If it was a mistake, then why did you just leave him suspended?
  16. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    Yea suspending members for no reason.. I don't see at ALL how CB4 was bashing so you pretty much did suspend for no reason. And honestly, I don't have anything to do with this. It's just CB4 is a fricking amazingly sw33t dUd3 and h3z my broter so HA.. n00b
  17. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    2 and a half hour post suspension coming your way :P
  18. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    You fail to see that you were just an admin for CODING only. Not to be suspending members for no reason. None of the other admins seen a problem with it..
  19. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    If you were just an admin to code a skin, then why do you go and "2 hour post suspened" CB4?
  20. nba_balla

    Goodbye SI

    Glad we made it worth your while. Talk to ya later!