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  1. The Guid

    Source: Red Sox hire John Farrell Updated

    Because you can? At least for the first half of the season. If Escobar bounces back, then you can sell high on him.
  2. The Guid

    2012 NFL Gameday Discussion

    They don't deserve to win anyway
  3. The Guid

    Source: Red Sox hire John Farrell Updated

    I would have rather had Ausmus
  4. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Probably because Miz has brain damage
  5. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Exactly It could be what the Goldberg/Lesnar fued was supposed to be
  6. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Nothing wrong with midcarders
  7. The Guid

    Red Sox Fire Bobby Valentine

    quelle surprise
  8. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Disagree. He's not young and trying to make a name for himself like Nexus. Besides, it would have been too easy to do it then. If you turn a guy like Cena, your TOP guy, it needs to be sort-of out of nowhere (with the internet, that's near impossible).
  9. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Again, I know, but it's worked/happened before. I'm hoping that they've just been biding their time and waiting for the right moment. They could have turned Cena before but that would just be making him heel for the sake of it.
  10. The Guid

    2012 NFL Gameday Discussion

    Anybody's team actually doing well? All I see is anger haha
  11. The Guid

    2012 NFL Gameday Discussion

    Comedy of errors continues. Silly Pats
  12. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Everyone thought it was nuts to turn Hogan as well. If that faction just starts beating on people ala the NWO, it'll make faces. I GUARANTEE they could make Ryback into a superface. I mean, it worked for Goldberg and Ryback can actually wrestle. Obviously, there'd need to be a sit down to work...
  13. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Exactly the point. Picture this...Heyman, Lesnar (if they can get him to check his ego), and Punk "attack" Cena before HIAC. He can't wrestle so Foley goads Punk into wrestling Ryback to earn his respect. Punk cheats to beat Ryback. Continues to clamor about respect and Foley comes out again to...
  14. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Cena, Punk and Heyman (and hopefully Lesnar) are forming a super-stable book it
  15. The Guid

    Garnett: I Don't Have Ray Allen's Number Anymore

    Anyone see Ray's response? "That's a shame. I'm a good person to talk to on the phone." I love it
  16. The Guid

    Cherington Hints Valentine Will Be Fired

    It's pretty common knowledge that Bobby V is on the way out but, honestly, when I first heard Cherington's words I didn't think it was about Bobby.
  17. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    I hate how they're just pairing up the guys stuck in the mid card because they can't think of what to do with them. As badass as Rhodes Scholars is for a tag name, they both should be in meaningful solo feuds.
  18. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Ryback can actually work in the ring so it's not like he wouldn't be able to wrestle non-squash matches. They just keep booking him like that for some reason. I thought the Foley/Punk face off, and then the kick, I thought he was gonna challenge Foley to a match. Foley may not be able to do...
  19. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    It's been hit or miss but Monday was honestly the first time in a long time they actually had me shocked at the end of RAW. I liked it.
  20. The Guid

    Official Wrestling Talk Thread

    Super bump Where are my wrestling fans at? Want to have some actual discussion here lol