I loooooove this.
Messy as all hell, but I dunno, I really dig it here for some reason. It's like organized chaos. Cool stuff.
PSD me up on this one pleeeeeease :)
SG grow up ffs. It's embarassing.
This is not a rip at all, it doesn't look like a getty sig at all.
Agreed 100% with .loggie.
But anyways, now to CnC the sig, ya know, seeing that's what you're meant to do in these threads, it's not for me. Render isn't distinguishable from the bg and the...
For some reason I never seem to catch the other playoffs going on but anyway, last night I recored the replay of the Lakers/Phoenix game 5.
That was exciting <Censored>.
Really liking watching these two teams. Still don't have a favourite team, but god damn Kobe was beastly. That period...
My God this is a funny thread.
SG, there's a thing called the high road. When everyone on here gives you <Censored>, I advise you just take it, because reactions like that make it very easy to hang more <Censored> on you.
Comments like this:
I actually laughed at the first one. My six...