Bullshit.. That Lopez is derp, Better than buzzys piece of shit sig. LESBIHONEST here. hehehe.
Seriously I dug your entry, Make more shit like your beal and old weeknd sig.
Hmmmmm.. Something is missing, Can't put my finger on it. Would also make a sweet sig IMO.
Maybe if the render was a bit bigger and leaning towards the right, I'll dig it more. Solid my dude!
How about them Pistons getting rapped doe.
Listen I wasn't crying or anything. I said I wasn't mad, I was more shocked than mad. But when 98% of the board was quite surprised that mine
was chosen ou of the bunch, It's a telling sign. There! Peace! Now how about we pacers beat the heat today eh.. That's whats more important.
Mines was not the worst. As a GFX stand point there were worse. I'll leave it at that, I'm not mad or anything. But as a GFX stand point the sig had blending and okay lighting. Like Deve said, Are we basing this off our best work or not? Also that Watt sig was solid IMO. Had good blending, I...