This is the shit that I do like.. Depth and blending are on point.. My fave with Deves.. Good shit my dude, I like this a lot.
The Lighting is Grade A.. I'll fuck the mother fucker, But he might end up fucking me!
Needs depth. Is it me or are a ton of these sigs getting lazy as fuck?
Niggas be adding color, Text, 2 stocks and blur it up..
I like your shit a lot my dude, Seen way better deph in them.. This is just a flat out lazy sig.
Lance is a better version of Tyreke.. His handles are just as good without the shit load of over carrying calls..
Truth be told, Lance holds better value in Indiana than any other place in the league.. Why? He's not forced to be the
guy and he's loaded with talent... He plays his game and...
After season 4 it went to shit doe.. Scripted and what not.. Movies sucked dick..
Have yet to see season 8 doe..
Miss Corey and Trevor, But the reasons in why Michael left made sense.