You can't lick pussy for more than 30 mins!
Your Jaw will start hurting and you're tongue
Will feel like if you were licking Sand paper!
I need to drink my Gatorade to jump
Back in the saddle! I ain't no fucking pornstAr.
Shit is funky and beautiful... You're an animal on walls man, But never seem to translate your ideas onto sigs!
But this time you did and da pussy good.
I fuck with my nigga Pac so hard! I studied his shit so much! Never got his style doe..
Dude made a Melo sig! Oooof shit was fire..
Del, None of these punk bitches hate each other lol.. Just shit talking on the net..
Only pussy nigga here is Getty.
The FB cover looks retarted.. But the rest looks so fucking nice..
Midhad, You use to be my main bitch, But now you my main ho.
Make me a dope sig.. Pacers player! Lance Breh.