Jays are just going to sell seats this year, way too much pressure on some players, who haven't really proven before that they can handle it, for them to have a lot of success this year.
Luck only based off of a long term basis, with RG3 you have a huge risk for injury due to his style at the position and with Luck when compared to Peyton, out of any other QB he probably comes closest to him in similarities.
If I only got one season with one of them, I would go with RG3
Not a fan, adding 2 more times might be a bit better but I like it the way it is.
baseball if anything needs more playoff teams, or at least change their divisions
spilt bong water on my laptop around the middle of the summer and had many problems trying to get it fixed, until finally just recently the dude fixing it said it was toast, so I bought one of the new iMac's, and now that I have a computer I'm back