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  1. ambivalentSoul

    Fleezus Christ

    oooh nice. You've gotten a lot better btw. Keep up the good improvement.   This is amazing for a second wall actually. This is what mine looked like lol.
  2. ambivalentSoul

    Fleezus Christ

    Pretty cool pretty cool. Nice effects and what not. No real complaints about this. Btw do you post on FF?
  3. ambivalentSoul

    The King

    The "King James" text or the Lebron text?
  4. ambivalentSoul

    The King

    LBJ   s/o to the nikkih Steeeez for lettin me swaggajack his crispety ass ish
  5. ambivalentSoul


    I fux with the bg. Text is baaaaaaaaaad.
  6. ambivalentSoul


    lmao <3 casso   stop hatin on my nikkih hat though his game been up #bestsigsonsi #dafuqyoumakinthesedays #justsayin
  7. ambivalentSoul


    cool. I really like what you did with the background and how you used that profile pic. Just wish the main render stood out more.
  8. ambivalentSoul

    Henrik Lundqvist

    man you just have to shove that logo in there lol. I like. Text placement is disjointed though.
  9. ambivalentSoul

    my second bae

    kewl. lose the white ouline on the "O".
  10. ambivalentSoul


    lel my b
  11. ambivalentSoul


    do it up.
  12. ambivalentSoul


  13. ambivalentSoul


    Experimenting with some ish. 23.
  14. ambivalentSoul

    J. Electronica

    where all ma dick riders at doe?  
  15. ambivalentSoul

    J. Electronica

  16. ambivalentSoul


    Lelz dick ridin = the key to being liked on the internets
  17. ambivalentSoul


    get off ma dood with the walls, he wants something to wear on the forum.   solid simple sig. everything about the typography is nice except the font choice. I like how vertical sigs are your thing.
  18. ambivalentSoul

    gang bang theory

    lol please stay around
  19. ambivalentSoul


    really? her face is meh imo. gorgeous eyes but here nose and mouth make her look like a rodent.   solid work. nice and simple nothing crazy.
  20. ambivalentSoul

    gang bang theory

    The text is interesting but it doesn't seem to go with the style of the sig. The layout isn't anything special to begin with so the bad coloring really hurts this where it could have saved it. 