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  1. kdogg

    2007-2008 Regular Season Thread

    Wow, Lakers win by 20 at Toronto and Kobe scores 46 points
  2. kdogg

    Nuggets discuss Artest deal posted already, But anyway this would definetly make the Nuggets a bigger title contender with AI/Melo/Camby/Artest
  3. kdogg

    Pau Gasol a LAKER!

    Wow great pick up by L.A., I guess they weren't lying when they said they were not planning to enter in the Kidd rumors this year
  4. kdogg

    Football Buy or Sell

    Sell - I don't see them ever letting him go B/S - Giants lose by 3 points in the Super Bowl
  5. kdogg

    Happy Birthday VC15

    Happy Birthday man!
  6. kdogg

    Football Buy or Sell

    Buy, Don't forget they also lost their QB and 3 of their top WR's to add to their coach's departure. B/S - USC wins the National Championship next season.
  7. kdogg

    Football Buy or Sell

    Sell, Maybe in 2 years but not next year. B/S - Michael Strahan retires after Super Bowl if Giants win.
  8. kdogg

    Football Buy or Sell

    Buy - The Falcons or Raiders should take him... B/S - Randy Moss will lead the NFL in receiving TD's again
  9. kdogg

    Football Buy or Sell

    Sell - I hope they do but I think the Pats are just too much for them B/S - Titans make the playoffs next year
  10. kdogg

    Basketball Buy or Sell

    Sell, He'll be gone before the deadline B/S: Atlanta makes the playoffs
  11. kdogg

    Football Buy or Sell

    Buy, but he will probably have problem finding a team... B/S: Matt Ryan goes #1 in NFL Draft
  12. kdogg

    Football Buy or Sell

    Sell, even if they do make the Super Bowl they're just going to get demolished by the AFC team. Buy/Sell: Dolphins get 3 or more victories next season
  13. kdogg


    Welcome to SI
  14. kdogg

    I'm back!

    Welcome back man
  15. kdogg

    Mid-Season Awards

    MVP: Kobe Bryant DPOY: Marcus Camby 6th man: Manu Ginobili MIP: Andrew Bynum/Hedo Turkoglu Coach: Nate McMillan ROY: Kevin Durant Surprise team: Portland Trailblazers Disappointing team: Miami Heat
  16. kdogg

    Minnesota's Green Wants A Trade
  17. kdogg

    Barbosa traded to Knicks

    lol, I would have been scared too :rotfl:
  18. kdogg

    All-Star Starters

    Wow, those jersey look great this year...
  19. kdogg


    Good luck on the move and see you in a week.
  20. kdogg

    Sportz Insomnia Board Awards v5

    The Awards are on Saturday Night...