Bye Bye Marbury

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Apr 22, 2007
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Stephon Marbury will soon either be ordered to stay home indefinitely or be released by the New York Knicks, a source told the New York Daily News.

Marbury again declined to play Wednesday night against the Pistons, the second time he had done so in six days. The same source told the Daily News that Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni considered sending Marbury home that night.

The Knicks are down to two healthy guards -- Chris Duhon and Anthony Roberson -- after Nate Robinson missed Wednesday's game with a groin injury and Cuttino Mobley has not yet been cleared by team doctors.

Marbury is one of the league's highest paid players and is scheduled to make at $20.8 million this season.


Apr 22, 2007
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NEW YORK -- Stephon Marbury has been suspended for one game by the New York Knicks, who are alleging he refused to play Wednesday night against the Detroit Pistons.

Stephon Marbury

A source close to the team told Friday morning that Marbury will be docked one game's pay. In addition, Marbury has been told to stay away from the team at least until Monday, when his status will be re-addressed.

Marbury will not practice Friday, nor will he be welcome in the home locker room at Madison Square Garden when the Knicks play the Golden State Warriors on Saturday night.

Marbury has disputed the Knicks' allegation that he refused to play, telling The New York Post: "I never told [coach Mike D'Antoni] I'm not going to play. Those words never came out of my mouth. That's insubordination."

Hal Biagas, an NBA Players' Association attorney advising Marbury, told Friday morning: "We feel the discipline imposed by the Knicks is baseless. We plan to file a grievance."

According to New York-area media reports, the Knicks were expected to send Marbury home while considering solutions to the problem. Those included fining and suspending him, trying to reach a buyout agreement with him or simply sending him home with pay until he can be traded or released.

In an interview with the Post published Friday, Marbury said he can't play for D'Antoni because he doesn't trust him.

"We need to separate from the relationship," he said, according to the Post. "The marriage is over. It's a done deal."

The Knicks are currently down to two healthy guards -- Chris Duhon and Anthony Roberson -- after Nate Robinson missed Wednesday's game with a groin injury and Cuttino Mobley has not yet been cleared by team doctors.

Marbury, who said his suspicion of D'Antoni has reached the point that "I wouldn't trust him to walk my dog across the street," said he did not create the Knicks' current situation, according to the Post.

"[D'Antoni] created this from the beginning," Marbury said, according to the report. "Why did he create this environment? I came here ready to play, focused, taking on the role I was ready to take on. They said, 'We don't want you.' I'm not in the plans. I said, 'OK, no problem.' "

"I didn't create this," Marbury said, according to the Post. "I'm sitting inside the car. I'm not behind the wheel in the driver's seat. I have no control of the wheel of the car, if we're turning or going straight. I'm sitting in the backseat. He's not going to play me because my heart isn't in it, because the way he treated me. That's on him, not me."

Marbury is one of the league's highest paid players and is scheduled to make at least $20.8 million this season.

After Marbury reportedly declined to play against the Pistons, teammate Quentin Richardson offfered harsh criticism.

"I don't consider him my teammate," Richardson said of Marbury. "You don't do that to teammates. Regardless of whoever he's trying to stick it to, at the end of the day, we're being left out there."

Marbury responded to that criticism in his interview with the Post, saying "Quentin doesn't understand what's going on in the business side, but I'm sorry he feels that way."


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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His contract is expiring after this season... If we trade him, it's unlikely that we'll get contracts that expire before 2010 unless we work out that Marion deal...

I'm loving this though =) Get him the <Censored> outta here!


Apr 22, 2007
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His contract is expiring after this season... If we trade him, it's unlikely that we'll get contracts that expire before 2010 unless we work out that Marion deal...

I'm loving this though =) Get him the <Censored> outta here!
May, I ask why do you want Marbury out of new york so bad? Is it his contract


Shocking The World
Feb 11, 2007
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a combination of everything.

His attitude, his contract, his attitude, and the fact I think he's overrated.


Baller For Life
Apr 23, 2006
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just get him out of there and have him go to a team where he wont feel like he's in the back seat.


Shocking The World
Feb 11, 2007
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we've got that big salary on that CAP. Either play him and end this crap, or get rid of him. I say close out the Marion deal. Cuz If we get marion, and god forbid somehow 2 players in 2010 that are supastars, lol. We'll be like the Celtics, but better.


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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May, I ask why do you want Marbury out of new york so bad? Is it his contract
Are you hinting at the fact that you think I don't like him because he's black? That's completely wrong...

Marbury is a terrible player, terrible teammate, terrible person. He has no desire to play, no desire to win, no desire to practice... And I have no desire to even give him the privilege of earning 250 grand a GAME to watch the Knicks play.


Hall of Fame
Feb 18, 2006
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Actually why would any Knicks fan like him? Hes holding out on the team which isnt good for him or the Knicks. Who wants a player who refuses to play? As badass Mike Singletary said, "Can't coach em."

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Just a poorly handled situation on both sides really. I cant wait for steph to leave NY.


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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Explain to me how the Knicks have handled it poorly...

Before the season, D'Antoni told him that he has a chance to get into the lineup if he plays ahrd in practice and proves he can play... There has been well documented complaints about Marubry during practices - I read in the Times that he attends practices, but doesn't take part in them...

During the season, there were 2 specific instances when he was asked to play. One was the night of the trade, when D'Antoni clearly said that because of Crawford's absence, 30-35 minutes are available for him. Marbury declined.

Against the Wizards, Nate Robinson and Cuttino Mobley were both unavailable. This left us with 3 healthy guards - Chris Duhon, Anthony Roberson, and Stephon Marbury. Marbury refused to play.

How can you say it's anyone but his fault? Besides the fact that he's not even good anymore, there's another reason he hasn't played... because he didn't want to.

Don't you even think about playing the Al Sharpton card when you respond to this.

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Dude came into camp in shape and ready to play a role, also you know he would shined in Dantoni's system. Dantoni said he's not in their future and deactivates him. and all through the first month of the season he's still telling everyone that Marbs sits and he's not part of their plans. now after a few trades they're shorthanded and they need Marbs to play? He's in a contract yea but he isnt no fukkin slave he's being made a negative pr flunky. So they can hide their wrong doings

Its funny how every thread you come in here and get on my dick. Fukk off


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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Marbury didn't do as well in Phoenix as he did in New Jersey... And D'Antoni didn't like him and traded him to the Knicks. What makes you think Steph would be better this time around? The fact that he only played 24 games last year under a more more lenient Isiah Thomas? Maybe the fact that he is 4 seasons removed from 20 PPG? Well, you don't need him to score... So maybe it's the fact that he is 4 seasons removed from 8 APG?

Come on, Steph is a shadow of his former self on the court. Off the court, he is the biggest team cancer in the NBA.

I'm not on your dick... This is a Marbury thread, and you're defending him for obvious reasons, and I'm hating on him because I'm a Knicks fan...


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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Also - I like the "he's no slave" remark... You know damn well the Knicks have every right to ask him to play... Hell, they don't need to ask... He's being paid 250,000 a <Censored>ing game to watch the team play... We have every right to MAKE him play and earn a tiny bit of his contract, second highest in the NBA.

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Maybe because its isiah thomas system. Dont even try to deny that steph is the knicks best player. Thats not even worth arguing thats common sense. I'm not gonna argue he's a team cancer because honestly he is. And realistically his stats from the nets days and suns days dont seem that different. We dont know if he's a shadow of his former self for good because he cant/refuses to play.

The Young One

The Champion
Hall of Fame
Aug 11, 2006
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Also - I like the "he's no slave" remark... You know damn well the Knicks have every right to ask him to play... Hell, they don't need to ask... He's being paid 250,000 a <Censored>ing game to watch the team play... We have every right to MAKE him play and earn a tiny bit of his contract, second highest in the NBA.
So if a organization treated like you like how they treated steph would you go out and play. He would be a damn coon for that. He's playing this well on a business side imo.


Hall of Fame
Nov 2, 2007
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Every team has the right to deactivate a player. But when a player pretty much says f*ck my teammates, I lose every bit of respect for him as a player.


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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I don't understand him wanting to sit out in the first place, but when we had 2 healthy guards and he didn't want to play, that was a big "<Censored> you" to the team... They had 2 guards for a <Censored>ing game, and one of them isn't even close to being a solid backup PG.

Steph isn't close to the Knicks best player. David Lee is MUCH better... Nate Robinson is just as good offensively, gets a lot of steals, and actually plays with heart. Wilson Chandler's contributions on offense, defense, and rebounding make him better... I'd rather have Chris Duhon than Marbury because he's a better passer, better on defense, and doesn't make bad mistakes.

His off the court "antics" hurt the team more than his 14 points, poor percentages, bad ball handling/passing, and lack of discipline on court would help them.
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