Jul 20, 2011 Thread starter #1 Pugz #ForPaul Hall of Fame Joined Jun 17, 2007 Messages 127,713 Reaction score 2,100
Jul 20, 2011 #2 J JPDaBeast23 New Member Joined Apr 22, 2011 Messages 565 Reaction score 3 not big on the text. other than that its nice, and I like it., but who the f*** is jon ryker? googled him and all I got was some youtube vids....
not big on the text. other than that its nice, and I like it., but who the f*** is jon ryker? googled him and all I got was some youtube vids....
Jul 20, 2011 Thread starter #3 Pugz #ForPaul Hall of Fame Joined Jun 17, 2007 Messages 127,713 Reaction score 2,100 some rapper/kid for jacksonville. we have a member here who makes beats for a few rappers and jon ryker is his friend and uses his beats. hes pretty damn sick and he'll get better with age. id say he can blow up in the years.
some rapper/kid for jacksonville. we have a member here who makes beats for a few rappers and jon ryker is his friend and uses his beats. hes pretty damn sick and he'll get better with age. id say he can blow up in the years.
Jul 20, 2011 #4 J JPDaBeast23 New Member Joined Apr 22, 2011 Messages 565 Reaction score 3 yeah his freestyles were pretty nice
Jul 20, 2011 #5 kam. Mr. Blackmon Joined Jul 8, 2010 Messages 13,451 Reaction score 1,577 a g ass <Censored>
Jul 20, 2011 #6 Rios15 Well-Known Member Hall of Fame Joined Jul 3, 2008 Messages 21,759 Reaction score 256 I'm not too big on the two different colors mixed in here. Makes it feel very retro though, especially since you added a black and white layer over it I'm guessing.
I'm not too big on the two different colors mixed in here. Makes it feel very retro though, especially since you added a black and white layer over it I'm guessing.