I just like discussing this and seeing your point of view. And I have watched 2010 and early 2011 tape, and maybe shying away from contact isn't the right word choice. I think it's just that he doesn't embrace it. He waits to get hit before hitting the defender, he doesn't hit him first, he tries to side step it, and I think in the NFL you need to finish the run and squeak out the extra yard or two. As for the ZBS for Miller, I don't see that. I don't think he's a one cut guy, personally. I think he's better at creating his lanes. I don't hate Miller, it probably comes off that way. I like him as an outside runner, he'll get the edge, and will get some big runs. I just think if he gets more than 10-12 touches a game those won't come. If he's a change of pace guy, he can surprise the defenses and do his damage. The reason I have Martin over Miller is because he can get the ball 18-20 time a game, and get his production, do his damage. He's actually got very underrated speed, and after beating a defense inside, he'll bust a long one. This is why I see him as a poor mans MJD/Ray Rice kind of guy, though like I said, I think if he's used right he can get to that level.