
Lake Louise

New Member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
I know I've been rather absentee lately. I'll try to keep it short but basically I've been having a lot less free time lately. I've been working around 3 days, 18 hours a week. Might be picking up a 4th night too. I know that's not a bunch, but I've also been having a lot of issues with my laptop as of late, and am working on trying to fix those problems. I'll be on here when I can be, so I'm not going away or anything.

As for the NBA Pick'Em, I've gotten behind on that and I apologize for letting that happen. I'm finding out that with all this I've been worse at managing my free time. So, for anyone who feels they would like to take over that weekly, I would appreciate it. Those involved know the rules and all that enough to take control of that. I noticed buzzy has been doing it, when I have missed some. If he would like to, or whoever else feel free.

The NFL section, I'll post things when I can, as I've said when I can be on here. The activity is still there, a bit, from what I can see. I'm sure that I've been letting people down by not doing my part with it, and I apologize for that. When I can manage my free time better, I'll be on here more often. For those that care, and those that don't, just felt that I should give some kind of explanation as to why I've been m.i.a.


Hall of Fame
Jun 17, 2007
Reaction score
man oh man you suck.

i keed. its all goodie, gotta do your real life thing first.


maybe god. live with soul, never die.
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
I, for one, have been extremely angry with your absence. smh.

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