I'm trying to make a sig of Tayshaun Prince, I can't seem to make anything look good. So I was wondering if anyone could hook me up with some links to tuts(they can be for PS or GIMP).
Please someone find some sweet tuts.
Funny, I guess he was a good player though. I seen him on the Trya Banks show and he was hitting some threes(keyword being some).
Although I don't want to see him as the prez(he'd be better off being Hillary's VP for 8 years then be prez for another 8). But that would be funny and cool.
I'm making a Sig, and I have 5 pics I wanna use. I wanted to see what pics you guys think I should use. Also maybe give me a idea on what the text should be/say...
(I will make Nate the focal in that pic)
I said it when he got injured last season, he should have never came back. If Pat Riley and the rest of Miami's staff was smart they would have made him shut it down untill he was 100%. Now he has to get more surgires(this isn't surgery though). They better hope he doesn't start to be one of...