Search results

  1. V

    Torii Hunter

    He doesn't look good in red, come back to Minnesota Torii. Please!?
  2. V


    thanks for the contribution, nice cut
  3. V

    Kobe Bryant

    lol, looks good
  4. V

    Rip Hamilton

  5. V

    Yo Guys

    Welcome to SI
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    Ben Wallace

    I'm not sure about this but is there background between his right arm and jersey? Good cut otherwise
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    Delonte West

    looks good now :)
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    Rajon Rondo

    yeah looks good
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    Tom Brady

    thanks ripcity :allhail:
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    John Tavares

    We'll take any cuts that your willing to give ;) Good cut
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    Tom Brady

    (in a southern twang) Boy, I don't know what parts you come from, but round here we speak english. lol
  12. V

    Tom Brady

  13. V

    Tom Brady

    Did this for a request at another site.Void will come if you guys think its gallery worthy.
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    Deron Williams (Another one)

    Yep, this one looks good
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    nice cut
  16. V

    Patriots Land Tank Williams and Sanders

    Williams couldn't stay healthy, maybe he'll have better luck with the patriots
  17. V

    Delonte West

    Great cut, maybe a thin line of background on his left hand *edit, background between his left hand and neck
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    Deron Williams

    Is that background on the shoulders or part of the jersey?
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    Kobe Bryant

    background in the shoelace otherwise looks good man
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    Shane Doan

    looks good here, nice job on the hair