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  1. Pugz

    Nets Looking At Haslem, Now

    solid rebounder, always good for atleast 10 and 10. but hes a florida native, im not sure if i can see him leaving. even if he takes a HUGE pay cut. haha
  2. Pugz

    Fisher To Meet With Miami

  3. Pugz

    Who Takes The Central?

    As of now, who do you guys got winning this division? Bulls addressed two needs, yet I still want to lean towards the Bucks. I dont see Skiles letting Maggs get lazy for a full season.
  4. Pugz

    Nets May Target Tyrus?

  5. Pugz

    Miami Send BEasy To Minni

  6. Pugz

    Clippers Hire Del Negro

  7. Pugz

    New Jersey Interveiws Joe Dumars, Jeff Bower

    if dumars were to leave, i want to see us get an immediate impact guy. like a well known and well respected guy to step in. we need it.
  8. Pugz


    for rippard. was gonna see if gety wanted to collab but it looked done.
  9. Pugz

    UFC Release Jardine

  10. Pugz


    me and gety, pretty much him. i added a few stocks and did some coloring stuff.
  11. Pugz

    Blazers Fire Kevin Pritchard

  12. Pugz

    Hinirch, 17th Sent To Washington

    helps the bulls by them gaining more space, but why does washington do this?
  13. Pugz


  14. Pugz

    Rasheed May Hang The Shoes Up

  15. Pugz

    Marlins Giving Out 15k Vuvuzelas

    i want one of those damn horns
  16. Pugz

    Marcus Jordan Rips Kobe,249378
  17. Pugz

    Sixers and Kings Make Deal

    so much for the pistons making a deal with the kings..