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  1. Pugz

    Sheed for Prez?

    Funny as fck, look at the coors light can in the beggining of the vid lol
  2. Pugz

    Monta -- I was scared

  3. Pugz

    Renders Effetcs and Lighting Technics

    Well I've been told by almost everyone I need help in that area. Does anyone have any help they would like to share?
  4. Pugz

    Lions close to deal with Rudi?

  5. Pugz

    Randolph to Grizz?

    Good for Knicks bad for Grizz. Grizz aren't going to win now imo, and this would only hurt them cuz they lose that Cap.
  6. Pugz

    Manu out 2-3 Months?

  7. Pugz

    Nash skeptical of team's plan

  8. Pugz

    Warriors, doubting Monta's story

  9. Pugz

    Shaq and Shaunie

    Good, she's fcking hot is you ask me.
  10. Pugz

    I'll be back

    Some know this some don't. I'm moving to Florida for atleast 2 years, my dad got me and my 2 friends a job. We will be working on nuclear smoke stacks(restoring them). We'll be working five 12 hour days and one 10 hour day, I'll be making around $1,200 a week plus full insurance. Anyways I'm...
  11. Pugz

    Restraining order against Shaq

    He sounds like a weirdo lol.
  12. Pugz

    Pugz' Stock Pack

    It's less than 332MB, I made this before WinRar compressed the files. It's really only 165MB. It has 184 Stocks, I got most of these stocks from other packs. These are the stocks I use most of the time, I love them so I hope you guys do too. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR ANY OF THESE STOCKS...
  13. Pugz

    Making a Stock Pack

    I'm getting together a stock pack, it will have a bunch of stocks from other packs aswell as stocks I collected over time. I was wondering how many stocks I should put in it, right now I'm at 50. I was thinking 100 or 150 stocks, also how many of you would DL it? And what site is the quickest...
  14. Pugz

    In Need of Help

    I need ideas on some more stocks, text and some coloring. Or is this fine how it is?
  15. Pugz

    Font me pleeeeeease

    I need new fonts, if anyone can post some that'd be great. Link me to the fonts you post. THANK YOU
  16. Pugz

    Olympiakos could target 'Bron

    I doubt he would leave the NBA but for atleats 40mill you never know.
  17. Pugz

    Artest: "I'm still ghetto"

  18. Pugz

    Finley turned down Europe offer

  19. Pugz

    Deng or Gordon next to go overseas?

    Now that would be something..