that video is too fucking funny. lmfao
ok, now im starting to get annoyed with how it looks when i type like this. i used to type normal lol but got lazy. my question is, does this bother any of you? if not then im not gonna change it but if it does then im going to try to start typing normal again. lol
maybe this is something to get fedor back on track? lol. i LOVE hendo, but i cant see him winning a fight with fedor. though, he seems to be slipping.
honestly, now would be the best time to get that matchup of fedor and brock that everyone wanted a while back. lol.
let me tell you first hand, bynum and blake better hope this doesnt turn into shingles. the lakers better hope for andrews sake it doesnt, too. that shit hurts and does perment damage. i still cant feel much on the whole right side of my back and i was in pain for such a long time.;_ylt=AlnuQ85bgQmMp7zPQc94Rko9Eo14?urn=mma-wp913
personally, i would like the see anthony take him on, just to see how well penn does and for the fact it could be a big win for aj. hes a big fighter though as...
id like to get a collab on this^ one, so here is the psd. if collab'd please let me get the psd back.
I think we need new or add some more smilies. like this one for example,
i snagged it from some thread in the lounge. lol. it made me want this to be added.