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  1. V

    DC4 Is Back.

    Welcome back DC4
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    I Quit

    C'mon Rip I'm not taking sides just trying to find a good alternative so both of you can stay and be happy.
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    I Quit

    Well if your mind is made up i can't change it, but I think maybe you should just take a break or just do what you are doing and ignore him.
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    I Quit

    Well then why don't you both ignore each other, a constant fight with one person should not cause anybody to leave a site with so many other posters.
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    I Quit

    Why don't you guys just agree to disagree and Airforceflash give it a day or two before you decide stuff like this. Isn't there a block option on this site?
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    David Ortiz (2)

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    A Little Update

    Good to hear from you bud, hurry back when you can it's just Jarrod and I cutting right now :D
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    Jeremy Accardo

    Nice old school jersey cut
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    Nick Blackburn

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    Ken Griffey Jr.

    That's cuz you didn't give me anytime to code in the void lol, I was still uploading it :headsmack:
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    Ken Griffey Jr.

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    Website Idea

    maybe use something like sportsaga's intro to their site?
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    Josh Hamilton

    Nah...not needed I think it looks fine
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    Josh Hamilton

    Great cut, his hair looks a little poofy. I don't know, maybe it's just me lol
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    David Price

    you're a cutting machine, again nice cut
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    wow didn't see this before :headsmack: , great cut
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    Tim Howard

    Nice soccer cut :D
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    Stephon Marbury

    Go for it man, Jarrod and I are always willing to give constructive critisism. Practice makes perfect :D
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    Stephon Marbury

    yeah, but with just you and I cutting do you think we will ever catch up?
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    Stephon Marbury

    that's alright we already started a topic like that in the gfx lounge, but thanks