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  1. M

    2013-2014 NBA Season Thread

    I love how Devin Harris still plays and shoots like he is schizophrenic
  2. M

    2013-2014 NBA Season Thread

    I love Giannis so much
  3. M

    2013-2014 NBA Season Thread

    I swear the only fun thing about watching the Mavericks these days is seeing Dirk break records and do his thing
  4. M

    2013-2014 NBA Season Thread

    He's a 3 million expiring. Shawn Marion is also a 9 million expiring
  5. M

    2013-2014 NBA Season Thread

    Who wants 49 year old Vince Carter?
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    2014 MLB Season Thread

    Billy Butler is going to set the record for most double plays in a season
  7. M

    2013-2014 NBA Season Thread

    Miss you too. I would say i feel bad for you about the Lakers but you are the Lakers so you'll probably get like the 2nd pick and get Parker and get Kevin Love and Kobe will come back healthy for another year or two I mean things always work out for them. You guys are like the Yankees last year...
  8. M

    2013-2014 NBA Season Thread

    Nothing good has happened to the Mavericks since I stopped posting
  9. M

    2011 NFL Season Thread

    WE DID IT!
  10. M

    2011 NFL Season Thread

    Could we beat Green Bay without even scoring a touchdown?
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    2011 NFL Season Thread

    Wow Chiefs should be up 21-0 but were only up 6-0
  12. M

    JJ Barea to the Wolves

    JJB will always be a Mav at heart for me. We took him from some unknown little undrafted white midget, to starting in the NBA finals and getting a big contract. I'll be cheering for him even if the T-Wolves are terrible
  13. M

    Chiefs fire Haley

  14. M

    2012 NBA season thread

    Dirk, Kidd, Vince, Marion, Odom, JET. Imagine how good that team would have been 5 years ago
  15. M

    2012 NBA season thread

    Vince Carter to Mavs why
  16. M

    Chris Paul Thread!

    As much as their is a lot of different opinions on the whats going on with this deal, I don't really have one. Whatever happens, happens. I think the NBA should have just locked out for the entire season. They obviously don't have their shit together and they are rushing everything
  17. M

    Report: Bears will claim Orton

    I'd rather have a shitty QB and get one in the draft
  18. M

    Official College Gameday Thread

    If Penn State comes back and wins