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  1. V

    Aaron Kampman

  2. V

    TJ Who's your mamma

    I know I did that on purpose cuz I was adding the void :headsmack:
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    TJ Who's your mamma

  4. V

    Pittsburgh Penguins Cuts (10)

    all look good man, nice job
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    DJ Augustin

    I just counted 284 cuts on my external hard drive and I know I have more on my other computer lol
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    TJ Who's your mamma

    lol, I couldn't remember how to spell it. I will be posting the void soon, everytime I tried to save the void my photoshop froze up on me.
  7. V

    DJ Augustin

    nice cut and I lost track a long time ago lol
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    Michael Beasley (3)

    Make that three lol
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    AE Update

    AE!! Good to hear from you man. Good luck man and hope to have you back full time soon. Thanks for defending our freedom :)
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    Anze Kopitar

    Great job on the hair
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    Jon Lester

    quit adding, lol, I'm trying to catch up
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    Chan Ho Park

    yeah great cut, the only thing I would change is to have more of the render showing in the void
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    Jon Lester

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    3 NCAA Cuts

    very nice cuts man
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    Brian Urlacher

    Great cut especially around his right eye with the eyelashes
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    John Smoltz

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    Yunel Escobar

    fixed and added sorry about that
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    Quote Material Thread

    I predict that the team with the most points at the end of the game will win. :) sorry couldn't resist
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    Help installing PS

    yeah if you get the trial version I'll pm you a keygen for ya
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    Chris Drury & Jaromir Jagr

    Nice cuts