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  1. ZigZag

    Warning Levels

    He gets warned for posting that, than a certain G-Mod should be banned. WTF is wrong with the world. Also, on another note, it's disgusting how members got banned for offsite activities.
  2. ZigZag

    Me+Morning&Afternoons=No More

    >_> Baseball camp coach > library boy. Chick factor. Best of luck.
  3. ZigZag

    Peace guys

    You should show him around Queens BB :P
  4. ZigZag

    My Radio Career

    I know, the home plate umpire was pushing him away.
  5. ZigZag

    My Radio Career

    Talkin about how much it sucks.
  6. ZigZag

    My Radio Career

    you've done a really good job, it seems, sounds like an actual radio show
  7. ZigZag

    My Radio Career

    w00t he mentioned us
  8. ZigZag

    I'll be gone for a couple a months

    Hope it pans out well for ya.. Cops here don't care about curfew. Me and my friends once were drinking at his house, and ran out of margarita mix, so we walked to Safeway to buy some more at a bout 2 in the morning. We crossed the street right in front of a cop with the bottle of the mix and he...
  9. ZigZag

    Happy Birthday Maple

    shut the hell up
  10. ZigZag

    It was written, therefore IT IS SO!

    :( Ziggy is sad.
  11. ZigZag

    OOO no he's back!!

    WELCOME BACK And my school is getting IB the year I graduate, and my parents are hella pissed that they waited that long.
  12. ZigZag

    SportzInsomnia V1 Skin

    I strongly disagree. This one is MUCH better than the first skin.
  13. ZigZag

    Updated Staff - 4.17.07

  14. ZigZag


    You download the brush into your brush folder... You don't open the brush.
  15. ZigZag


    It's a brush, you just put it in the brush folder.
  16. ZigZag

    INDEED! I'm Back

    Mofo why didn't you take me :(
  17. ZigZag


    its about time
  18. ZigZag

    SI Picture/PSD Resources

    well I hope so because it DOES Say his name one it
  19. ZigZag


    Oops his wrong section, move to contact us. QUESTION: Is there anyway to friggin delete a post for a regular member?
  20. ZigZag


    It might be a good idea to make the "Add Reply" option at the bottom of each topic NOT take you to photobucket. Just a thought... :unsure: