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  1. Pugz

    Al Jefferson Disses T'Wolves

  2. Pugz

    Bulls Sign Kurt Thomas

    got the last big man they needed, tmac should be signed shortly. even though they missed out on the big names, they still made out damn good.
  3. Pugz

    MIKEY --From Gtown with love
  4. Pugz

    Beasley "Smoked Too Much Weed"

  5. Pugz

    Rodney Stuckey, All Star? seen it on realgm and decided to post. lol. we have an all star point guard :D EDIT: i fail =/ should have read, its just the rookie/soph game. lol
  6. Pugz

    Pacers Sign lance Stephenson

  7. Pugz

    Bulls Looking At T-Pain

  8. Pugz

    Shaun Rodgers Stops Drunk Driver

  9. Pugz

    Warriors Looking To Sign Undrafted Rookie, Lin

    so much for the mavs and lakers
  10. Pugz

    Spurs Re-sign Jefferson

  11. Pugz

    Rockets Sign Brad Miller

  12. Pugz

    Miami Close To Deals With Juwan, Jamaal

    solid but not too effective big man depth. joel should be able to help them with rebounding and blocks though which could lead to him having a breakout year.
  13. Pugz

    Penny Wants To Re-Join Heat

  14. Pugz

    Warriors Sold For $450 Million!

  15. Pugz

    Knicks Sign & Trade For Shaq?

  16. Pugz


    hes muh d00d
  17. Pugz

    After All These Years..

    ive been doing gfx for close to four years i think. i used to gimp and i knew how to crop with that, but ive been using ps for two years and dont know how. so after all these years would someone mind telling me how to crop my damn psds? lol.
  18. Pugz


    loggie started i finished.
  19. Pugz

    Jazz Decline Wesley, Land Raja

  20. Pugz

    Livingston Signs 2 Year Deal With 'Cats

    so much for the bulls signing him.