Sucks from our point of view; it really takes away from the actual jersey. But otherwise, this is another way the NBA can create some revenue, but still... No major sports league in North America does this except for the actual suppliers logo somewhere on the jersey.
Wow. I didn't expect it since Wilson and Burke had such a good relationship but perhaps a change in coaching behind the bench was needed. We keep falling short of the playoffs.
Welcome to SI my fellow Canadian :D. We're taking over here lol. And I also see you're a Lights fan. I listen to her a bit, got both her albums on my iTunes and I like that she's doing some collaborative work with Shad! Anyways, enjoy it here and I hope you stick around.
When trying to log in on that skin, it is impossible due to the ads. Try it yourself and you'll see what I mean. I don't know if it's just me, but I'm sure it can't be just me. I realized that guests could switch skins which was the solution for me in order to log in, but I should not have to do...
I don't think it's possible because blak text blends in with the colors on the profile. But I we can keep the profile text blue and change this to black, that'd be great (if they're not linked with eachother). Otherwise I'm starting to dig the blue.