I agree for the most part but isn't it the players who don't want to deal with the problem? The owners seem pretty resolute on a hard cap to fix the problem and the players won't even negotiate until they give it up.
Anyone else hate mangini being on espn? maybe it's his voice or the way he talks but something about him makes me change the channel.
i would hate for him to be my coach if this is how he talks normally
This is the one year in recent history with a surefire QB prospect. Orton will be gone at the end of the season and if he's not, then we're going to be reduced to years of mediocrity. I'd say we start Tebow and if he performs some magic we got our QB, and if not we're in play for Luck.
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand why Wes Welker received a lower score in passing than Branch or Hernandez. 8 catches for 160 yards and 2 TDs isn't mediocre
oh and can I get Broncos and Raiders offense + defense?
true he doesnt and no coach should
that's the biggest problem broncos fans have, he's so consistently mediocre. we want a gunslinger like elway or cutler.
That's what happens when you don't give a dude the chance to prove himself. He shows up in games and thats where it counts.
I don't give a fuck what John Fox thinks, I saw the dude play 3 games last season and he played well enough to deserve a shot.