Yup 12 and 10. Pretty happy about that... he was playing against Roy Hibbert too. Getting some good experience against some of the better big men in the league
Probably only something I would notice since it's pretty pointless but your avy has a Canadian sports network logo in there (The Score). But yeah, I'm rooting for a great season from Harden... really like his game.
I'd say he's breaking out of his one-dimensional offense - developing a great mid range and even outside game. Inefficient... I wouldn't say wildly because he shows up pretty much every night with at least 15 points but I can see why he's inefficient. I've never considered him a ball hog once...
Not such a bad deal in my opinion. And he works hard to get better every year and he's a great personality for the team -- always liked him since day 1. I would like to see him scoring 20 PPG though; he's capable of it I believe. Let's see what he does this season.