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  1. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    I hope you're not speaking about Harden lol. That beard should be a trademark.
  2. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    I would buy one lol. That's dope haha.
  3. Rios15

    Holiday; 6ers Agree To Extension

    14 points and 11 assists last night. If he can distribute like that on a nightly basis then he's definitely worth it. And I know he can score lol.
  4. Rios15

    Jonas Impresses In Debut?

    Yup 12 and 10. Pretty happy about that... he was playing against Roy Hibbert too. Getting some good experience against some of the better big men in the league
  5. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Probably only something I would notice since it's pretty pointless but your avy has a Canadian sports network logo in there (The Score). But yeah, I'm rooting for a great season from Harden... really like his game.
  6. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Aw we lost :(
  7. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    2 point game :o 2 seconds. I don't wanna lose this one at all. Always love getting a good start on the season
  8. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Naaaaaw, just trying to help out my father lol.
  9. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Drop DeRozan lol.
  10. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    13 points, 3 rebounds, and 5 assists for Lowry at the half. Not bad at all. On pace for 26, 3, 10.
  11. Rios15

    Derozan extended

    I'd say he's breaking out of his one-dimensional offense - developing a great mid range and even outside game. Inefficient... I wouldn't say wildly because he shows up pretty much every night with at least 15 points but I can see why he's inefficient. I've never considered him a ball hog once...
  12. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    lmao. Jonas set like 3 picks on one play -- he's crazy.
  13. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Haha true true. Well maybe he can go off and still let you have the win lol. I want a 20 point night.
  14. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Lob from Lowry to Derozan in traffic! I'm feeling it. -Excited Raptors fan.
  15. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    I really hope he goes off tonight for the sake of my fantasy team and for the doubters - though it will take more than just tonight.
  16. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    I love how pumped up and cocky-ish Lowry gets lol.
  17. Rios15

    Derozan extended

    Not such a bad deal in my opinion. And he works hard to get better every year and he's a great personality for the team -- always liked him since day 1. I would like to see him scoring 20 PPG though; he's capable of it I believe. Let's see what he does this season.
  18. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    They're harder than defensive lol.
  19. Rios15

    NBA Regular Season Pick 'Em - Week 1(October 31st-November 4th)

    But what if their records in the overall standings are tied?