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  1. Pugz

    Hakeem Hopes To Work With Serge

  2. Pugz


    might actually use it as my sig lol
  3. Pugz

    Blake Griffin Is SUPER

  4. Pugz

    Timmy Signs In SA

  5. Pugz


    for realgm tourny, i personally love the show. i actually like this too.
  6. Pugz

    JR Smith Re-Signs In NY

    i guess money isnt an issue for him lol
  7. Pugz

    Brand To Be Amnestied

  8. Pugz

    Lin Signs Houston's Offer Sheet

    people are going to be complaining to the league about these back-loaded deals soon. wtf
  9. Pugz

    Jason Kidd Signs 3 Year Deal With Knicks

  10. Pugz

    Suns/Knicks Talking Nash S&T

  11. Pugz


    i decided to bring the negative post option back. hopefully people dont start complaining because its just a damn sports forum. dont let it start fights either. enjoy!
  12. Pugz

    Nets/Clippers S&T; Reggie Evans

  13. Pugz

    Rudy Fernandez Signs In Spain

    it was fun while it lasted. i guess he really didnt like his role in the nba.
  14. Pugz


    probably my favorite sig ive made in the four/five years ive been wasting my time making these
  15. Pugz

    MattStaff eh
  16. Pugz


    mehhh. i hate text again
  17. Pugz

    Uploading Issues?

    every now and then some of the site logos dont show up for me, same with sigs i post, and right now my sig isnt loading for me. it does it on my laptop, phone, and gfs laptop. dont know if its just me or what. if anyone else is noticing this let me know
  18. Pugz


    for realgm tourny. noir theme, couldnt figure shit out so i rolled with this; if it even counts lol.