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  1. ZigZag

    2012 NBA season thread

    He's been doing great since he stopped getting in so much foul trouble. I absolutely love watching him on offense because he does work on the boards, along with so much scoring ability from the post. He can pass really well too, it'd be great to see them run the offense through him like back...
  2. ZigZag

    Brandon Marshall to the Bears

    Meh, I really don't think Houston is better by much if at all. I'd rather have Cutler than Schaub, Forte vs Foster is pretty even, and Brandon Marshall is probably the most underrated receiver in the league.
  3. ZigZag

    Manning to Denver

    Hopefully no one will want Tebow so we can't trade him. That way when Peyton takes that inevitable, career finalizing hit this season, we'll still have the man himself Timmy Tebow playing QB
  4. ZigZag

    2012 NFL Free Agency Thread

    Man, I'm really gonna miss screaming "TEBOWW!!!" at my TV on sundays :(
  5. ZigZag

    Patriots Sign Brandon Lloyd

    Looking forward to seeing him often in the top 10 plays next year
  6. ZigZag

    2012 NFL Free Agency Thread

    Raider's released Wimbley. I swear Al is controlling the team from beyond the grave
  7. ZigZag

    Dwightmare Over! 4-Way Deal

    What's your point? A 2-year rental is worth much more than a year rental plus it gives places a chance to convince him to stay. Orlando lost their greatest window of opportunity
  8. ZigZag

    Dwightmare Over! 4-Way Deal

    He had that much more value once he signed the termination. Now they just have to go through the same shit again next year when he has even less value
  9. ZigZag

    Dwightmare Over! 4-Way Deal

    Is Orlando run by a group of monkeys? They let the best possible scenario slip right through their fingers
  10. ZigZag

    Source: Colts to release Peyton Manning

    I could see Elway using all our cap space on him IDK how any of you are surprised. It's been on a downward spiral for the last month or two
  11. ZigZag

    Willis McGahee asked for more money from Broncos

    What running back wouldn't want to play on a team that runs the ball 40 times a game?
  12. ZigZag

    Jamal Crawford drawing interest

    Seriously, wtf. Like we don't have Tyreke, Thornton, Salmons or anything
  13. ZigZag

    Kings in Sacramento

    It'd help if the Maloofs would pay back the $67 million owed to the city. Doesn't matter though, they reached a deal yesterday. :spiderdance:
  14. ZigZag

    Maloofs pledge to contribute $150 million for new downtown arena

    hmmm could have potential.
  15. ZigZag

    Kings in Sacramento

    :( I wish the Maloofs would sell the team
  16. ZigZag

    GQ: Brady Quinn Debunks Year Of The Tebow: 'We've Had A Lot Of ... Luck'

    Hopefully we don't resign this phaggot. Whether or not he's right, I wouldn't want someone like that in my locker room
  17. ZigZag

    2012 NBA season thread

    Tyreke giving the game away
  18. ZigZag

    Tim Tebow Working With UCLA OC

    Man hopefully this guy can actually help him. Everyone just talks about his release point but it all starts with the way he pulls his hands apart.
  19. ZigZag

    Dunk contest

    Tebow can dunk... Get his ass out there for some Lin to Tebow oops
  20. ZigZag

    Report: LeBron in heated exchange with heckler?

    Lol Lebron's pissed, sounds someone's a little butthurt