He's been doing great since he stopped getting in so much foul trouble. I absolutely love watching him on offense because he does work on the boards, along with so much scoring ability from the post.
He can pass really well too, it'd be great to see them run the offense through him like back...
Meh, I really don't think Houston is better by much if at all. I'd rather have Cutler than Schaub, Forte vs Foster is pretty even, and Brandon Marshall is probably the most underrated receiver in the league.
Hopefully no one will want Tebow so we can't trade him. That way when Peyton takes that inevitable, career finalizing hit this season, we'll still have the man himself Timmy Tebow playing QB
What's your point? A 2-year rental is worth much more than a year rental plus it gives places a chance to convince him to stay. Orlando lost their greatest window of opportunity