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  1. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Finals Thread

    Am I the only person who just despises Bomani Jones?
  2. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    What do you all think about Jeff Taylor? Concerned about his reach at 6'6" being shorter than mine at 6'3"
  3. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Boston has been just trying to force the ball where they want it. Not working
  4. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Well OKC better start getting ready
  5. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Spoelstra helpin out the Celtics right now IMO
  6. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    This game is legendary
  7. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Why is Bass STILL guarding LeBron? This shit is futile
  8. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Classic Ray Allen
  9. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    And Rondo wins the jump ball?!?!?
  10. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Bosh for 3?!?!?
  11. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    God damn I just woke up from a nap
  12. ZigZag

    2012 official SI NBA mock draft

  13. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Spurs are totally ignoring Kawhi and SJax on offense
  14. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Another flop by Harden takes away a potentially game changing shot
  15. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    Is it wrong that all we have ever wanted from LeBron is for him to be more like Kevin Durant?
  16. ZigZag

    NBA Playoffs 2012 Discussion Thread

    He's hit every open 3 I've seen him take this series
  17. ZigZag

    Hypothetical Thread

    I disagree. It's possible, but in no way a sure thing. Duncan's personality is the embodiment of the franchise, and Garnett's personality is the complete opposite. If the Thunder win a championship this year, do Harden and/or Ibaka sign for less money in hope of a repeat?
  18. ZigZag

    Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread

    If Cavs don't pick him up I can almost guarantee Sacramento will :(