Blame the fans though lol. If we didn't like any of this stuff as much as we did and bought all the merchandise and other stuff, they might not be as rich.
I'm just hoping he has a successful comeback and becomes something useful to an NBA team to make his career mean something (not saying a star, but at least a good bench player). Would be a great story, just for him to make the comeback.
I think Jose is going to be great for the Pistons and their big men especially. He definitely knows how to find looks, he's always looking to get everyone involved - Pistons fans will notice this much more. He's a helluva guy who always looks like he's trying his hardest out there too...
Ed Davis has definitely made some big strides too this season. I've always thought Rudy is a little overrated though it would be cool to have one of the better athletic teams in the league through this trade. Though Ed Davis can definitely throw it down sometimes.
I definitely think Rondo could be considered top 2 but I've always like Rose a lot better than Rondo despite the fact the Rondo is more of a true PG. Rose just gives you everything. I guess I'm a bit bias considering Rose is my favourite PG.