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  1. Rios15

    ...Earth Day 2012!

    Oh shit
  2. Rios15

    ...Earth Day 2012!

    Working :(
  3. Rios15

    Hornets expected to become Pelicans

    Lol mosquitos. Red, blue, and gold sounds interesting.
  4. Rios15

    Pistons Attendence Lowest In League

    Here's the whole list haha; I mean you guys are lower than the Kings D:
  5. Rios15

    Bynum's words of wisdom for Dwight Howard

    [/font][/color] (Lakers Now)
  6. Rios15

    R.A. Dickey Close To Being Traded to Toronto

    Exactly my thinking.
  7. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Our team is just falling apart though... not good for Colangelo's last year on contract.
  8. Rios15

    Josh Hamilton Signs with The Angels

    Obviously looks good on paper and on the field too if Hamilton could stay healthy for the Angels.
  9. Rios15

    Jose Calderon Wants Out

    We got #1 back then even though it didn't work out lol. Plus we need something more to help the franchise so Stern would do it for basketball reasons or else the NBA will lose fans in Toronto
  10. Rios15

    Tyreke Evans unsure about future He's definitely fallen off since his rookie season; thought he'd be something big. It'll be interesting to see what happens to him. Maybe something similar to what happened to OJ Mayo when he fell off lol.
  11. Rios15

    Jose Calderon Wants Out

    I wouldn't mind giving up the pick hearing that it's a weaker draft. It'd definitely be nice to get top 3 though lol; there's a good chance the way things are going /:
  12. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    LOL probably just part of his ritual. /: Amir though >
  13. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Not sure what to think about this.
  14. Rios15

    Nash asked Lakers to keep Gasol
  15. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Well this is embarrassing lol. Another accident... :/ How do I always confuse this thread with the community thread lmao.
  16. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Smh, I accidentally studied a chapter for my exam that's not even on the exam. I don't know how I ended up doing that lol. Wrote like at least 1000 words of notes on the chapter too. That sucks!!!!
  17. Rios15

    Hornets expected to become Pelicans

    [/font][/color] Damn, maybe the Charlotte Hornets will come back lol. Not a fan of the Bobcats name too much.
  18. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Tough crowd man lol.
  19. Rios15

    2012-2013 NBA Regular Season Thread

    I would think so haha. Thought I'd post it though.