Did not even notice i went over 60k lol. Wow, 60k. I didn't think I'd ever have this many posts but I do, and I'll have more. 60k, got damn! I typically don't do shout outs but I'm going to shout out some of my dudes on the site.
The biggest shout out goes to my dudes Rip, TYO, and Greg(though...
Read More:http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/braylon-edwards-altitude-not-t-o-attitude-forced-154155471--nfl.html
i still think they should have kept TO. im sure he would have caught on soon enough(if thats the real issue). those two could have been huge for either russy or flynn.
i read somewhere else that he has a three-man security guard rotation too, one man is always with him to drive him to anything team related.