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  1. V

    Music Cuts

    All look good, the only thing that looks a little "weird" is the transition spot from his cheek to shoulder in the first cut, and Redman's left hand looks a little pointy
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    Greg Jennings

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    Tyreke Evans

    Nice cut, looks good here
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    Jason Jones

    Agreed and nice cut :D
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    Josh Freeman

    Very nice cut here Jarrod
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    Victor Martinez

    Great cut, sorry I haven't contributed much lately. Been gone most weekends and I worked a 16 hour shift again
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    EJ Henderson

    BEAST!! Great cut Jarrod
  8. V

    CG's Cut Room

    Nice to see you cutting bigger pics ;) It's a lot easier isn't it? +1 on above comments, and don't be afraid of the pen tool. Experiment with it for a while and you'll get it, and imo, it's much easier.
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    CG's Cut Room

    transition from cheek over hat lid to just cheek is a tad off, I think you cut a little too deep on that, rest looks good. 1 more suggestion mayb clone the top of his hat to make it look more round? Rest looks good
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    Rafael Furcal

    looks good, why did you post 2 posts with the same cuts lol
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    Terrell Owens (2 Cuts)

    nice cuts greg
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    Dana Eveland

    looks good here
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    Dustin Pedroia

    Nice cut, you've been on a cutting rampage lately. Great work
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    Marissa Miller

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    Pavel Bure (2 Cuts)

    both look good here
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    5,000 posts.

    congrats on the 5k
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    Happy Birthday, DCpwner

    Have a good one, hope it's special
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    Wow I love everything about this one, nice job
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    Stafford, Matt

    Sorry man, not feeling it. No depth at all to this sig, text needs work, lightings ok
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    Omar Infante

    For HTF (if he ever comes back :( )